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    nematodes and gnats

    beneficial nematodes will destroy the fungal gnats. goto to a local gardening center to get them. $30 at home depot last year I think. nematodes are the only guaranteed fix, sticky paper just grabs flyers but gnats larvae are eating your roots in your medium.
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    injunction/court case updates

    thanks for the update doingdishes ... appreciated
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    Canada: Medical Marijuana Users Try Class Action After Health Privacy Breach

    if you haven't registered for the class action you can do so at the following link:
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    Anyone familiar with "Salvation Botanicals"? (Phoenix Tears producer)

    your Google must be broken !
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    Health minister warns Vancouver not to regulate ‘illegal’ marijuana dispensaries

    Here is the PDF of the letter
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    Senator Pierre Claude Nolin Passed Away
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    Happy 4:20 Friends

    Happy FourTwenty to all .....
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    RMR C-51

    thanks for starting my day off with a laugh
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    The importance of shit!

    I used to be political but then I found rabbit shit. things are so much better now.
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    injunction/court case updates

    Baruch was a "defendant" witness meaning for HC not us. we are the "plaintiff" side today's witness Sandvos from the Netherlands is as well an HC witness, as well witness Grootendorst. Tomorrow's witness NASH is a rebuttal for our side (plaintiff) Then it's up to Judge Phelan
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    injunction/court case updates

    LMFAO I just blew coffee all over my keyboard. What a circus, my brain can't handle these so called high court procedures.
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    This is what Marijuana looks like under a microscope...

    here are a few more pics:
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    Question. For LP's

    Canada Criminal Code:
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    Question. For LP's

    ok people let's face the facts, JM is an expert and we should all sit back and reread his posts to gleam his knowledge. after using mj for meds for 35 years I know nada compared to JM. I wonder if he was even born yet. btw, I wonder what his medical condition must be that a doctor actually...
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    Help buying EC or PPM meter

    have an Oakton ppm and it has been working fine.
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    injunction/court case updates

    what I think it means is whether or not an "expert" witness is cross examined or not, the judge can decide on his/her own upon the merits of what said witnessed said or had in a submitted affidavit. I guess that is what browne v. dunn has for it's mentioning in this matter and not what the...
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    injunction/court case updates

    wow came in from a looong day and am completely flabbergasted at this HC witness today. she definitely chocked up a win for our side today. let's not forget there are more days ahead to sit back and see how this case progresses. Geez need some meds ... l8tr
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    CEN Biotech whoop ass
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    injunction/court case updates

    It's quite obvious you guys have tangented off in this thread and when the court case starts a new thread with REAL info should be started.
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    injunction/court case updates

    yes I understand quite well that the injunction covers us, however a prescription is valid for let's say a 12 month period. if you are out of that time frame and you goto your pharmacy will they dispense? .... no, not until you get a current prescription. Conroy even mentioned about a section 53...