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  1. IGTHY

    nutes help.

    Well it's just that a lot of the nute problems I 've found out is from newer growers' that use the Miracle Gro soils and do horribly with it. It's only because they probably don't consider what the directions say or if they actually know if it has added nutes or none.
  2. IGTHY

    Single leaves

    Where did the seeds come from? Post pics?
  3. IGTHY

    nutes help.

    True dat! The Miracle Gro is good products but not for the Newer growers'.
  4. IGTHY

    PICS of ICE 8 Weeks Flower PICS

    A man should be so lucky.
  5. IGTHY

    nutes help.

    Nothing, It could be genetics. The plant will "tell" you when it needs something ie:N-P-K.
  6. IGTHY

    Grow Room: Spend my 3k. Winner gets prize

    Righteous!! I know that it will work. When I had to do the apartment thang; I grew indoors too.
  7. IGTHY

    Grow Room: Spend my 3k. Winner gets prize

    Do the damn thang, Ravioli!!!!
  8. IGTHY

    Drooping Plant!

    Where's the droop? That looks like it is standing straight up.
  9. IGTHY

    When Can I tell the sex of my plants?

    You're looking in the right spot,but no cigar.
  10. IGTHY

    Grow Room: Spend my 3k. Winner gets prize

    Are you going to us one room and split it for flowering and veg or are you going to use two rooms and split the stages?
  11. IGTHY

    PICS of ICE 8 Weeks Flower PICS

    Pure as the driven snow!
  12. IGTHY

    Molassas Alternatives?

    Wood ashes.
  13. IGTHY

    Guess the best????!!!!!

    That's like a trick question!!
  14. IGTHY

    Do I have to flower to tell sex?

    If you want to know sex then do 12/12 now while they are small.
  15. IGTHY

    watering with sugar last two weeks?

    Not regular sugar!! I would use molasses or better yet wood ashes for the last week of flowering before harvest.
  16. IGTHY

    best soil?

    Oh, yes,but you would have to just find the user and send them a message.
  17. IGTHY

    preflowering pics

    That's what's up! A lot of people can't get a plant that far. They look healthy and light green like some good Cali!!
  18. IGTHY

    best soil?

    Pm? I don't get it?
  19. IGTHY

    Transplant Risk Question

    That's what's up!! I live in Cali too and the best thing to do is get rid of the male and transplant the others. I would go to Walmart and get some Vitamin B-1; use this during transplants, clones, and general gardening, it helps to prevent shock and stimulates root development. Very inexpensive.
  20. IGTHY

    Way too tall

    Thanks. I tie mine over all the time outdoors because of crowding and better air circulation when they start to flower. Also the middle nodes and the middle of plant gets big, fat nugs when finished!