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  1. Guccizillaa

    What do you do about the smell?

    have multiple febreeze self squirter things, you know those things that scare the shit out of you when your at someones house for the first time. Put like 5 up that shoot at the same time so your entire house basically jizzes a wonderful smell every few minutes, if you can't afford a carbon...
  2. Guccizillaa

    What am I doing wrong? She's not happy!

    I know its not all, and chloramine is only corrosive when its heated because when its heated it releases ammonia, which is why many cities don't use it due to it corroding the pipes in water heaters.
  3. Guccizillaa

    What am I doing wrong? She's not happy!

    Most water municipalities have been using chloramine for several years now, it doesn't evaporate. It mostly replaced chlorine due to the chlorine eating away at pipes. The whole leave your water out thing is a myth imvho.
  4. Guccizillaa

    18 vs 24 hour light cycle for veggie stage

    oh shit good call lol.
  5. Guccizillaa

    How to add nitrogen naturally? Ideas will be greatly appreciated!

    Not sure I'd pee on em, ammonia can't be too good for plants haha! Does remind me of someone i knew peeing around there crop to keep animals from coming and eating at it.
  6. Guccizillaa

    Outdoor grow in scotland

    So many of the questions asked can be answered via youtube or just googling it, so many of my answers to peoples questions are just links lol.
  7. Guccizillaa

    How to add nitrogen naturally? Ideas will be greatly appreciated!

    poultry and sheep manure are high in nitrogen.
  8. Guccizillaa

    18 vs 24 hour light cycle for veggie stage

    someone on here did an experiment with 18/6 vs 24/0. Same strain, same nutrients, all that good shit, and the 24/0 was clearly bigger by atleast 30%. I myself though run 19/5 just because everyone needs sleep, makes the electricity bill not look as harsh either.
  9. Guccizillaa

    What am I doing wrong? She's not happy!

    looks nute burnt as shit, ph alone in soil wouldn't burn it like that, overfeeding imho.
  10. Guccizillaa

    FIM Job Didn't Take, What Would You Clip Next?

    thats when you just top it, and to make up for your unsuccessful fim do some lst.
  11. Guccizillaa

    Outdoor grow in scotland

    Watch all the half hour+ long videos within this thread ( Especially Mr greens I grow chronic that ones my favorite. Just make sure you have everything you need before you start. Or you'll be correcting problems the whole grow...
  12. Guccizillaa

    What is your favorite drug of all time?

    To answer your question kushclouds, weed.
  13. Guccizillaa

    sativa/indica question

    Yea also i had my cross wrong, its Durbain poison x GDP. Woulda put my wallet it was og kush.
  14. Guccizillaa

    SICK of not having any hookups

    I'd just pretend that last post never showed up to keep the thread on topic.
  15. Guccizillaa

    need some tips here

    well 6 ml is only 1.2 tsp. yet at the same time autos are known for not liking high doses of nutrients. Im sure your nutrients specifies what dosage defines full strength somewhere on it for indoor plants. But from the information you gave, im gonna say ABOUT 2 tsp every other water would...
  16. Guccizillaa

    Disappointed in "Hallucinatory Substances" thread

    I love how you type, i hope you talk like that because you'd be an eligible candidate for president.
  17. Guccizillaa

    Disappointed in "Hallucinatory Substances" thread

    man your going into vitamins lol. "anything used to alter my state of mind" i prefer to be natural, and prefer doesn't mean always, my exceptions to that rule are, oil dabs, and alcohol. I don't use vitamins to get high :P
  18. Guccizillaa

    Disappointed in "Hallucinatory Substances" thread

    not gonna lie i only scimmed all that because it was alot, but i got the jist of it. My whole thing was I PREFER not to put anything in my body that has to be chemically altered to get you high. Which covers all pills, coke, molly and various other things. My notion isn't that natural equals...
  19. Guccizillaa

    My first indoor AND CFL grow

    oughta get a journal going with this new grow, you got some good strains your working with. Id be a submarine to it.
  20. Guccizillaa

    sativa/indica question

    bingo, and when you mix that with OG kush you get cherry pie, then by crossing cherry pie with something you get girl scout cookies, i just don't know that cross by heart.