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  1. BeCkyJaNe

    pH meters?

    I'm quite thankful they're girls! Just my term of endearment for them, since I'm also a girl ;)
  2. BeCkyJaNe

    pH meters?

    They are both in 3 gallon fabric pots. Can you specify a real pot please?
  3. BeCkyJaNe

    pH meters?

  4. BeCkyJaNe

    pH meters?

    I agree. Most I've read, they average 90 days.
  5. BeCkyJaNe

    pH meters?

    I've read a lot of mixed reviews on using nutes with Fox Farm Ocean Forest and autos. I'm growing two Bruce Banners. Guy on the left has hardly any yellow, guy on the right is yellowing. Some say this is normal at week 7 but seems early for me.
  6. BeCkyJaNe

    pH meters?

    Under $100 for now. I'm so new and inexperienced (just being transparent). I don't want to spend too much on one until I get a better feel for what I'm doing.
  7. BeCkyJaNe

    pH meters?

    Bluelab and Apera were the brands I was debating between but tried some drops this morning. pH measured high... I'm pretty worried about this guy. My first indoor, auto at 7 weeks from sprout. I'm using ocean forest and just tap water. Maybe lockout?
  8. BeCkyJaNe

    pH meters?

    I'm looking to purchase a good quality, fairly inexpensive pH meter. I'm thinking of getting the Apera Instruments AI311 Premium Series PH60 Waterproof pH Pocket Tester. Anyone familiar or have any suggestions?
  9. BeCkyJaNe

    Some do this on purpose ;)

    Some do this on purpose ;)
  10. BeCkyJaNe

    Messaged you directly.

    Messaged you directly.
  11. BeCkyJaNe

    Bruce Banner Autos flowering after 3 weeks.

    Just a little update on my dudes. Week 5 from sprout. They look like two different plants but they are growing nicely. Still only giving water. I started a little lst on the bushy guy. Happy growing!
  12. BeCkyJaNe

    Bruce Banner Autos flowering after 3 weeks.

    Gorgeous! This is only my 2nd grow. First indoor and first auto so I'm trying to be cautious. Really reassuring to know yours flowered early and turned out amazing! Thank you!
  13. BeCkyJaNe

    Bruce Banner Autos flowering after 3 weeks.

    GOALS!! They look amazing!! Did you LST?
  14. BeCkyJaNe

    Bruce Banner Autos flowering after 3 weeks.

    Update from ILGM Support. They indicated "some autos flower early and 3 weeks is not unheard of". They will send me a replacement seed for my early flowerer. I'll keep taking care of her and see what she yields!
  15. BeCkyJaNe

    Bruce Banner Autos flowering after 3 weeks.

    Yes, definitely.
  16. BeCkyJaNe

    Bruce Banner Autos flowering after 3 weeks.

    Here's a pic of mine.
  17. BeCkyJaNe

    Bruce Banner Autos flowering after 3 weeks.

    My first auto grow. Both Bruce Banner, just over 3 weeks from sprout. Using 600w marsh hydro lights on 18/6 and watering only. Plant on the left is flowering already. I've read lots of mixed opinions on whether or not this is normal. Any suggestions or input?
  18. BeCkyJaNe

    Ready to harvest?

    Just an update on... Well let's just call her "Becky Jane". I harvested on 10/18 and she hung out in the garage for a week. 10 oz's are now resting comfortably for their cure. I kept her alive and she seems pretty happy. I am too Thanks again for the advice!