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  1. Weouthere

    Grrrr.... I’m so lost

    Hey man this chart might help a bit. I reference it a lot. That mottling might also be genetics? When I started my seeds (13) and then culled the slow growers (down to 7) there was one I just couldn’t kill. I threw it outside in mid April and it has looked like this through its whole life. It’s...
  2. Weouthere

    induction light growing

    No worries I just didn’t want someone seeing something you didn’t want them too. It looks like the light works okay? I’m an LED guy so I’m probably not much help! Someone should be along to help ya man
  3. Weouthere

    induction light growing

    Idk what those other pics are man but you might wanna take em down
  4. Weouthere

    First time indoor grow (need advise on grow setup)

    That’s fine. Just take off what you can and put and inch or two on top of that.
  5. Weouthere

    Do my plants look healthy??

  6. Weouthere

    First time indoor grow (need advise on grow setup)

    From what I’ve seen.. and I’d do some of your own research.. you scratch off the top 1-2” of soil, then just refill it with new soil. That’s it :)
  7. Weouthere

    First time indoor grow (need advise on grow setup)

    I’ll be watching this closely man! This is my second grow but My first time mixing ffof/happy frog. I added some EWC in there too. From my first grow with the ffof I’d recommend doing a top dress very soon. I’m flipping to flower this week and the day before they’re getting a top dress to give...
  8. Weouthere

    3 week flower issue

    Follow the arrows
  9. Weouthere

    How does it look ?

    Looks good!!
  10. Weouthere

    Where to mount driver

    Just from reading some quick reviews it seems that it’s long enough. One guy said it heated up his tent too much but he now has the driver outside the tent on a table? I think you’ll be good. You could always extend it too with some extra wiring. Nice looking light btw!!
  11. Weouthere

    Did I kill it?

    Pics of the most top node where you fimmed? I’m having trouble believing it didn’t work.. A FIM is a messed up topping, and has always worked for me. The main stalk will get taller and the branches below where you fimmed or topped will be your new tops. And of course leaves are gonna grow more...
  12. Weouthere

    Where to mount driver

    What light did you get man?
  13. Weouthere

    Where to mount driver

    I haven’t ever heard of this man. Makes perfect sense if I think about it though. What exactly do you mean by efficiently? Like it uses more power to run the same lights kinda? Sorry electrical stuff has always gonna a little over my head and I’m trying to get a grasp on it. I have one of...
  14. Weouthere

    Where to mount driver

    I run mine connected to the heat sink unlike Renfro says, but I have troubles keeping my tent warm as it is. At first I ran it outside of the tent and the set up was nicer, if that makes sense. But after a couple days I needed that few extra degrees.
  15. Weouthere

    Noob here with a lighting question

    I believe this is the one. Hard to get the link on my phone but yeah! So far it’s working great. Running a 6” ac infinity fan with a 6” filter and two small fans blowing the canopy. Temps are 64-67 night and 78-81 day time. I have the driver on the light in the tent; but you can mount it outside...
  16. Weouthere

    First time: indoor plant.

    Looks like a male under (not to be offensive) garbage lighting. Is this where it is all the time? Could we get better pics of the buds?
  17. Weouthere

    Noob here with a lighting question

    Hey man I might be a little late to this but.. I’d shy away from all amazon lights. Learned my lesson. It’s too hard to tell what’s a good light and what’s not, plus for the money you spent on 3 amazon lights, you could get 1 much better light from alibaba. Maybe even an HLG light if you’re...
  18. Weouthere

    New grower, seeds just arrived, what should I grow?

    Critical kush is the only one of those that I’ve seen on “beginner” lists for strains. I’d go that way. I ran wedding cake (bagseed) for my first grow and it worked great! It’s a heavy feeder fyi
  19. Weouthere

    Great White mycorrhizae

    I personally don’t but I’ve seen lots that do! I use a different brand but a powder nonetheless. Works great! Hit the root ball with it too, and make sure it gets wet in the transplant hole.
  20. Weouthere

    What happened?!

    Hey guys! Been doing great with my 7 plants. Two from the tent joined the loner outside this morning! So I checked on the indoor plants again around 9 and I noticed that I should raise the light. I raised it up about 6inches. It’s now 28”-32” above the canopy. Well within the recommended hang...