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  1. Greenmary

    Can i use supersoil for life of mother donor plant

    Hi your answer made me decide i will do one of each, synthetic and organic, thank you
  2. Greenmary

    I need help!! Humidifier ain’t working!!

    Can u open it up and let some airflow in
  3. Greenmary

    Can i use supersoil for life of mother donor plant

    What method of feeding would you suggest and what nutrients and would you have any ideas at what stages
  4. Greenmary

    I need help!! Humidifier ain’t working!!

    I think 34 is fine for humidity but your temperature is to high at 31.5
  5. Greenmary

    Can i use supersoil for life of mother donor plant

    Hi is it possible to keep a mother plant in subcool supersoil its entire life?
  6. Greenmary


    Thank you so much for the advice much appreciated!
  7. Greenmary


    Thank you i will look into getting one ASAP
  8. Greenmary


    Hi just wondering though how tap water with chlorine and god knows what else with a pH of about 10 would affect something growing in living soil. I would live to just give tap water! But something tells me it would ne detrimental to the crop.
  9. Greenmary

    Epsom salt ppms
