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  1. 420Barista

    The Main-Lining Thread

    ->coyote no doubt thats american bud nice pots
  2. 420Barista

    RIU COB General discussion.

    hard to say how much more growth you will see as it is strain dependent, but if you have read up the numerous posts on RIU at the start of flower you get your ladies doing their final stretch for up to 2-4th week in flower once they stop getting taller then they start to bulk out the buds.
  3. 420Barista

    315W CMH SIngle Plant DWC SCROG.

    Could be, lets hope so, and pray to the grow gods to make it so!!!:weed:
  4. 420Barista

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    bring on the bud porn!!!!! woohoo
  5. 420Barista

    one light one plant one pound....

    Im thinking of trying this out on a future grow.
  6. 420Barista

    Newbie experience with Timber Grow Lights & DIY

    Small tent is a 2x4x7.5 Stoni how many ladies can you fit in a 4x8? on my next grow Im thinking on getting a 4x8 for the flower tent and grabbing some timber kits for both it and the veg tent 4x4
  7. 420Barista

    one light one plant one pound....

    are the pink panties Organic? :mrgreen: if they are from the 70's and nylon they could be nasty to smokebongsmilie:spew: jk cant wait to see the final dry weight for that haul herk
  8. 420Barista

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    the sudden change might have shocked her. to avoid this have a spare sanitized res fillled a day or 2 b4 you do the change and the standing temps shouldnt be a problem. your plant there looks good though.
  9. 420Barista

    1.8KW apartment grow - multiple strains

    looking good i'll be following you
  10. 420Barista

    Barneys farm - pineapple chunk (cab, LED, DIY waterfarm)

    id lollipop it and clear out the lower growth below the screen and use those nuggs for now. and give the growth above the screen more time to mature and fatten up. for an even better brand of bud. if you if you clear out the lower growth the plant can focus its energy to the upper nugs
  11. 420Barista

    Barneys farm - pineapple chunk (cab, LED, DIY waterfarm)

    amazing that its just one plant and you have all that. hope those nugs fatten up real big for ya.
  12. 420Barista

    one light one plant one pound....

    @horribleherk and i see no doubt that cobs works just fine.
  13. 420Barista

    315W CMH SIngle Plant DWC SCROG.

    yummie :weed:, nice frosty nug
  14. 420Barista

    Room flooded. Please help!

    ok going by the scale of your diagram... your plants need to be higher than the water level in your tank so you don't get a siphon runoff are you using drippers? tell us more about your system and we might be able to help more.
  15. 420Barista

    one light one plant one pound....

    try mainlining a 16 manifold plant on each of the 2 next time. that should do it!!!
  16. 420Barista

    StinkBud's How to Harvest Four Pounds

    did it work?
  17. 420Barista

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    well seems like I would need to know the dimensions of the 8 bulb t5 and if they would fit in a 2x3 or 3x3 tent
  18. 420Barista

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    well shifty if your space is 16x16x8 thats 2048 sq ft that exhaust fan is 1500cfm seems like alot and not sure it you can connect a can filter to it. and with a fan like that drawing air out of the soon to be stinky room you will want to deodorize the exhaust b4 its out and gets unwanted attention.
  19. 420Barista

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    James not sure what your asking but 11 outlets needed is not alot spread out over a few different breakers, best rule of thumb if you got too much plugged in 1 outlet and your popping the breaker, spread out to other outlets on other breakers. or you can get a thingy called a killawatt meter and...
  20. 420Barista

    Hear Ye- Hear Ye LED Tubes + HH Spray 2.0 + BrandX Seeds

    Hey pet have you heard of this? Tiresias Mist Seed Feminizer Spray i read into it on the forum a few months back. not sure when you need to use it but you spray it on one branch and it turns it hemi and feminised seeds are produced.