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  1. Guccizillaa

    How screwed am I?

    agreed, give it the hand of god.
  2. Guccizillaa

    Couple weeks into flowering, opinions?

    with cfl's you can almost never have too many lights, i use 2 23 watt cold spectrums, and 2 45 warm spectrums, thats for 2 plants in early veg(gonna add 2 more to each in later veg). Just be sure your lights up top are about 3 inches or so from the tops of your plant to avoid stretching in that...
  3. Guccizillaa

    rockwool cube aloud to dry?

    thank you to all that helped answered my question and more.
  4. Guccizillaa

    Flushed 2 Days Ago 1 of em Still getting worse!!! Please :) thx

    i just took my plants out of mg yesterday because of the same problem, your mg probably has little to no nutrients left in it because most mg's are only good for 3 months, but due to the fact there time release nutrients, when you flush, your releasing alotttt more of those nutrients. I had no...
  5. Guccizillaa

    Couple weeks into flowering, opinions?

    yea id like to know what that masking tape between to 2 cushions goal is lol. Maybe a little stretchy, 2 more cfl's, one on each side would prevent anymore of it. I would have let it veg a good bit longer, but health wise it seems healthy.
  6. Guccizillaa

    Veg period, flowering period, fertilizer..

    I would, i keep a gallon of water always filled with nutrient solution. Just because most measure out x amount per gallon. Then after each gallon adjust your npk if/when needed.
  7. Guccizillaa

    pest help

    dont like posting links to other forums, but i think its spider mites
  8. Guccizillaa

    2nd grow, sour diesel, does it look too stretched?

    i wouldnt say they look stretched, i would start trimming some of that lower growth to avoid popcorn nugs, and focus the plants energy to the big buddies.
  9. Guccizillaa

    rockwool cube aloud to dry?

    them popping out in a nonhydro grow wont kill the roots? Thought they hated light exposure.
  10. Guccizillaa

    rockwool cube aloud to dry?

    was wondering that though, would it hurt to throw in some soil?
  11. Guccizillaa

    rockwool cube aloud to dry?

    was told to wait 5 days before putting in soil to let roots establish, but not to the point where there popping out the cube.
  12. Guccizillaa

    Veg period, flowering period, fertilizer..

    thats whats preferred. Thats when the pores of the plants are open, and before the sun goes down is the best time to spray for bugs, because there pores are closed.
  13. Guccizillaa

    Veg period, flowering period, fertilizer..

    I start giving mine nutrients as soon as i take them out of plastic cups, which is 1-2 weeks from seedling. I use a 10-10-10 npk nutrient mix, which i start at quarter strength and work to full strength towards the end of veg. When i induce flowering, i use a 12-55-6 super bloom nutrient mix...
  14. Guccizillaa

    rockwool cube aloud to dry?

    noones able to help?
  15. Guccizillaa

    My first grow tips welcome

    they look stretched, i agree with noob grower, get more lights, and keep them 3 inches from your tops to avoid stretching.
  16. Guccizillaa

    rockwool cube aloud to dry?

    So i have an orange crush clone i got at a buddies, because after taking my plants out of mg, my sick one isnt looking much better, so this clone is its possible replacement, its in a rockwool cube that i keep wet but not overly wet, i let the whole thing weigh about 25 grams when wet(was told...
  17. Guccizillaa

    quick question.

    add me, post a new thread under plant problems, and post pics within your thread, ill be happy to help.
  18. Guccizillaa

    Leavesare turning yellow then brown.

    ph is a little low, also looks like nitrogen deficiency to me, maybe up the nutes a quarter strength.
  19. Guccizillaa

    super small white hairs on first true leaves

    its a weed, look at a weed in your yard, it'll have alot of hairs on it too.
  20. Guccizillaa

    how much perlite should i use?

    ok thank you.