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  1. MrX2017

    SIP thread -- (Sub-Irrigated Planter)

    Haven’t been on the forum in 2 years first indoor I open is this thread. I am currently considering switching over from floraflex to LOS in sips. 27 gal black and yellow tubs I’ve been following buildasoil for years. They are killing it with earthboxes! .
  2. MrX2017

    Anyone Ever Tried

    Used it many times back in 11’ won’t dare mess with it now. No sure way to complete transactions and ensure your not getting ripped unless physically meeting them
  3. MrX2017

    Trump dismisses threat from Coronavirus

    Yes I am an American, which is why i respect all the views. It’s your opinion, if your lost in never land and never wake up then that’s a loss to us all cause every one of us matters, rather your perspective. It’s all relative. I have been after the truth for many years my friend, never...
  4. MrX2017

    Trump dismisses threat from Coronavirus

    If so then why are mega billion dollar corporations spending billions to Trump your mind and tell you Q is just a larp?
  5. MrX2017

    Trump dismisses threat from Coronavirus

    ...... ever hear of the electoral college? Is made exactly for that. So no the map I posted is the map of coverage of electoral college. wait don’t you dems want that abolished to? Hows your liberal policies worked out so far? Never in the history of Cali has people been moving out of the...
  6. MrX2017

    Trump dismisses threat from Coronavirus

    Here’s your Russia meddling...... Oh I mean Ukraine
  7. MrX2017

    Trump dismisses threat from Coronavirus

    Russian prop?...... so how much money did the Russians spend on those adds and bots to get trump elected...?? hmmm may we say 125,000? Is what one talking head said. But wait he won over alllllllll of you shit tards with a mer 125,000$ investment from Russia? ahahahahaha ...... wait Bloomberg...
  8. MrX2017

    Trump dismisses threat from Coronavirus

    enlighten us then my friend
  9. MrX2017

    Trump dismisses threat from Coronavirus

    Here’s some links man. I just checked into our hotel in Baltimore as I work weekends on the road. I’ll spread the word tomorrow for sure. Themes: gives you an explanation of all the different events on the time line Human Trafficking: The most arrests for any admin...
  10. MrX2017

    Trump dismisses threat from Coronavirus

    wonder where that could be...
  11. MrX2017

    Trump dismisses threat from Coronavirus

    They all are going to the brick ovens at Gitmo or firing squad if Huber has his way with them
  12. MrX2017

    Trump dismisses threat from Coronavirus

    This is the Seth you need to look into
  13. MrX2017

    Trump dismisses threat from Coronavirus

    I would assume that’s one site? If that’s the facts then Not sure how horrible of a decline it’s been under Trump go check the numbers your self on numbeo the exact link I quoted. go back to 12’ we were 12th 14’ we were 2Nd! 16’ before Nov. 12th 18’ 9th 20’ 14th Don’t base your answers as...
  14. MrX2017

    Trump dismisses threat from Coronavirus

    Actually buddy, thinking for myself would entail me finding out to the best of my abilities exactly what the people in power over us in stead of for us are doing. so yes I do think for myself. Last time I checked Trump didn’t call me for any of the answers. so I don’t believe I’m doing any...
  15. MrX2017

    Trump dismisses threat from Coronavirus

    You guys gotta stop listening to what these people put out there for you. Research and dig for your self..... cannabis is a great tool for that.
  16. MrX2017

    Trump dismisses threat from Coronavirus

    Here again Great Rebuttal!
  17. MrX2017

    Trump dismisses threat from Coronavirus

    Ahahahaha this is exactly my point. You guys can’t even strike up an intelligent response. Lord help us. I pray Your botany skills are far better then your intellect. God Bless
  18. MrX2017

    Trump dismisses threat from Coronavirus

    ...... I really refrain from these posts because the mer waste of time it takes to right one isn’t worth the debate with people like 90% of the above^^^^^ How can you sit there on your asses..... For reasons like these One.... you blame one man for a freaking virus no matter the origins...
  19. MrX2017

    All replies welcome Dromada’s homegrown!

    I’m so lost as to why and how the humidity is so different in 3 different spots n the same tent??