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  1. MrX2017

    One More Time Wood's Grow

    Thanks for the southern hospitality my friend! First and fore most Thank you to you and your families sacrifices, for our great land and our people! God Bless you and your loved ones. With out it we wouldn’t be here typing about it. I completely agree when it comes to the confederate flag...
  2. MrX2017

    One More Time Wood's Grow

    Well man I was truly enjoying your thread! Your plants remind me of an old member on here I used to know 15 years ago, FDD2BLK Then boom with them censoring.... I really didn’t know that was an issue here. Give me a break. I see we have equal views as your avatar seems to illustrate... lol...
  3. MrX2017

    Greenhouse Grow Jack Herer

    Looking great!! I definitely need to go grab some mutes my plants are way light green now after seeing yours
  4. MrX2017

    Low Stress Training (LST) Guide

    Going to give it a shot on the clone that just rooted, after a couple weeks of veg!
  5. MrX2017

    HomeDePot LED lights??

    I do believe in the over spec recommendation, on air flow. The way I see it is I’d rather run a 6” at 55-65% than run a 4” at 80-90%. At least for the $30 delta between the two, it’s worth the 6”
  6. MrX2017

    HomeDePot LED lights??

    TerraBloom 6" Inline Duct Fan, Quiet Energy Saving EC Motor with 0-100% Adjustable Speed Controller. 350 CFM, 40W. Speed controller and all. Not to freaking bad for $100
  7. MrX2017

    HomeDePot LED lights??

    Checking them out as we speak!
  8. MrX2017

    ReVeg journal

    Being only About to be July, I think I’m going to keep these two out side and continue to pull and weight them to give me as many clones as possible, before they flip their selves. Have always been nervous to break nodes when training plants this way. How ever, kind of was just experimenting...
  9. MrX2017

    HomeDePot LED lights??

    And sir that is why I’m here. Lol cause I don’t know any better. Im not aware of all the new tech. This is all a new learning curve to me.( building leds) I’m over reading through the DIY section of the form now. Have learned so much already. I was really excited looking at Samsung’s site and...
  10. MrX2017

    Anyone guess my yield ?

    Goals are great to set, just remember the #s the breeder advertises may or may not be inflated a bit... so set your goals at maybe 30-35% less than what they claim and you might just give you enough room for every variable to come into play(to many to list) When it comes to that final weigh in
  11. MrX2017

    Anyone guess my yield ?

    Yes it’s a very hard thing to guess at. I may be off but I always always always expect less then what is possible. 1) less of a let down if you don’t hit your target 2) you get to say, you, “beat your projections” ;) That just comes from life in general Do I try to stay within realistic...
  12. MrX2017

    Greenhouse Grow Jack Herer

    **chair pulled up for this one** Definitely will be following!
  13. MrX2017

    Anyone guess my yield ?

    Lol yeah. Although you might be surprised. How solid are the flowers? Might end up with closer to what SC said
  14. MrX2017

    Anyone guess my yield ?

    90-110gs dried
  15. MrX2017

    HomeDePot LED lights??

    Gosh darn it I chose horticulture to avoid all the dam formulas and mathematics! ;) Definitely going with a 6” exhaust. Haven’t picked out one yet. In the “germination” stage of my plans. Going to borrow my fathers soldering iron today, go pick up some 60/40 .20mm M’urican made solder and...
  16. MrX2017

    HomeDePot LED lights??

    Heat is an issue with my planned setup,. As I can only pull in bedroom air, 68F night, 78 day. Obviously these things offered at HD aren’t worth the money. I may have to find a cheap way to practice my soldiering skills before trying to build my own of any kind of expense$&.
  17. MrX2017

    HomeDePot LED lights??

    Forgive me, you are completely correct I. Over saw the details on my own picture while on the move.
  18. MrX2017

    HomeDePot LED lights??

    I’m only thinking of using it as a veg light for mother and clones. Just don’t have the funds to experiment and build my own led set up just yet.
  19. MrX2017

    HomeDePot LED lights??

    I figured so, the 2x2 seemed like a decent thought. 60,000 lum at 5k. but thanks for the input! I figured it was trash
  20. MrX2017

    Low Stress Training (LST) Guide

    Any one ever use beads as weights?? Just a plant I revegged, I go and move the beads around every few days.