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  1. k0ijn

    Advice ???

    Since you are - and have been flushing your soil, you should not expect much more growth. Due to the fact that you have caused a deficiency by removing the essential nutrients (the food if you will).
  2. k0ijn

    six weeks in and i have a question about trichomes

    Clear trichomes contain pre-cursor cannabinoids which are not psychoactive (you cannot get high off of smoking/eating them). Amber trichomes contain degraded THC --> CBN. There is a loss of about 90% potency (psychoactivity if you will) from cloudy trichomes to amber. Clear and amber trichomes...
  3. k0ijn

    Trichomes & Harvesting

    Who said two days of darkness? The thing about darkness before harvesting is the same discussion as pre-harvest flushing. Those who speak for doing so, have no scientific evidence or research proving it works. People claim all sorts of miracles will happen, like the plant pushing out more...
  4. k0ijn

    Trichomes & Harvesting

    The final stage in a trichomes development is turning amber. Therefore you cannot just wait for every trichome to stop developing. Since you will end up with a majority of amber trichomes and a product which is much less potent than what it potentially could have been. You won't have to check...
  5. k0ijn

    Ice and Blue Mystic all trimmed up.

    Sounds like you have a proper setup. You should be fine with a 6-7 dry but the longer you can string it out the better. Go with whatever the buds are telling you, if they start to get too dry, jar them up for a bit and dry them again for a day or so. Or you can just start curing straight away...
  6. k0ijn

    Ice and Blue Mystic all trimmed up.

    I would leave them the way they are. Some people prefer to dry the entire plant, to allow for a longer and slower drying time. But a lot of people do it 'your' way. You just have to make sure that you can get at least 6-7 days drying time without the buds getting dried out. I assume you want to...
  7. k0ijn

    $1 billion in pot uprooted from public lands in California, West

    Seems like America has so much money and so little debt it can afford to throw away billions worth of taxable plants.. And how much did these operations cost the taxpayers of your 'free' country?
  8. k0ijn

    How Marijuana Will I Get Out Of One Plant?

    No need for insults.
  9. k0ijn

    Trichomes & Harvesting

    Very much appreciated :weed: And on the note of strains which never amber, I have experienced that just once, and I think it might have been down to genes acting up or disease/mutation, but who knows really. I have also experienced pistils not turning any other colour than white, yet still...
  10. k0ijn

    Trichomes & Harvesting

    Did you read the entire first post? It clearly states that there are other factors important when determining 'peak harvest'. Such as; Calyx development, pistils and the general look of the plant. You aren't seriously asking why a 31 day plant is not ready to be harvested based on the info...
  11. k0ijn

    If you search my nick (or just go to my profile and read through my posts) you can find threads...

    If you search my nick (or just go to my profile and read through my posts) you can find threads on flushing where I have posted links to all the studies I quote and all the books. I even posted 2 links in the sticky thread on the subject of trichomes, those two links relate to the discussion of...
  12. k0ijn

    Trichomes & Harvesting

    Well done, you pick up the information very quickly :weed: Ellewoods post has perfect answers to your questions East Coast.
  13. k0ijn

    Trichomes & Harvesting

    But you must've had low resolution settings on the camera? I can see that you uploaded the images in ~219 x ~295 which is quite low resolution. I'd suggest you set a resolution of at least 1MP (1280 x 960) or if possible 2 or 3MP (it'll improve zoom quality a lot and make the image a lot...
  14. k0ijn

    Trichomes & Harvesting

    Ello, The images are not high enough resolution to get a good look really but of what I did see were some clear and some cloudy trichomes. It's hard to give you a proper judgement, if you could get a microscope you would have a much better sense of the trichomes appearance. My guess would be...
  15. k0ijn

    Do you flush? Do you kill the lights prior to harvest?

    Scientific research is carried out with stringent rules and regulations. I'm not saying all research is to be trusted fully but if it's done properly it's certainly ascertained as fact in the scientific community. I have not linked to pseudo-scientific research. Organic growers still use...
  16. k0ijn

    Do you flush? Do you kill the lights prior to harvest?

    Sugars which are produced as a result of photosynthesis are stored in the roots as starch. This process doesn't have anything to do with dark hours. These sugars don't 'migrate back to the buds'. They are used when needed. Where did you read the information? Link?
  17. k0ijn

    Do you flush? Do you kill the lights prior to harvest?

    What? I'm not quite sure what your point is or how you came to the conclusion. Please provide the scientific information you have on how nutrients are stored in the calyxes. I have linked to a scientific study (conducted by educated scientists) on nutrient storage in plants, in a different...
  18. k0ijn

    Do you flush? Do you kill the lights prior to harvest?

    Nutrients are not stored in the calyxes (buds). Nutrients are used up very quickly when they are transported around the plant, especially in the calyxes. Nutrients are 'stored' in the roots, stem(s) and the leaves. It takes a lot of overfeeding (the plant would be visibly damaged and probably...
  19. k0ijn

    To flush or not to flush

    ^ This. It is that simple.
  20. k0ijn

    What nutrients are necessary for flushing a hydroponic grow?

    How about not pre-harvest flushing? Flushing (not pre-harvest flushing) is only useful when you have a salt build up, unbalanced solution or another error in your grow. Pre-harvest flushing is very basically the same as taking away the food from the plant, letting it get a deficiency in the...