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  1. H

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    Haha yup! I monitor all these message boards and the people who complain, I take my time with their apps...
  2. H

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    It baffles me that people are getting so upset that they have to wait a little long for a card that legally allows you to buy weed! I get it, we all wish we could get it the same day, but that’s not how it is set up! Bitching and moaning that waiting 100 days, and other states have different...
  3. H

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    I went through IEC, and I remember them saying something about a post visit, a month after. I thought it was to talk about the dispensary itself, and if the weed is helping your condition
  4. H

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    Awesome!!! Thanks for the update!! Enjoy soon!!!
  5. H

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    That’s awesome!!! What place did you go? Or did you do it online?
  6. H

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    What email address are you using? I emailed them a few days ago about my picture, and they got back to me today.
  7. H

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    Heck yeah!! That’s awesome! I’ve been drink Kratom, which is really good! If you haven’t heard of it, check it out! It gives the same feeling as Vicodin, but it legal in most states! You are about a month ahead of me! Can’t wait!
  8. H

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    Woo!!!!! What’s the timeline look like?
  9. H

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    It looks like MCO struggles to send in their applications right away! But once the state gets them, looks like 70-75 days now!! That’s exciting!!
  10. H

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    I wouldn’t say that! We are all getting to legally buy weed! Who cares that it may take a little longer than we want. Well worth the wait!
  11. H

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    What does your timeline look like? When did you apply?
  12. H

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    That’s awesome!! I love getting updates, of dates that are close to mine!!
  13. H

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    We are close as well! Submitted and charged through IEC on 9/20. Looks like some wait times have been as low as 75 days!
  14. H

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    It has been going by fast! Already been 35 days! If timelines are correct, we should be getting it early December! I have been looking around for recipes to use RSO! I have tried making CannaButter a few times and suck, so I’m either going to make edibles with RSO or buy a butter infuser!
  15. H

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    Hey! I went through IEC as well! Here is my timeline: 1st digital visit/diagnosis: 9/11 2nd visit (in office): 9/13 3rd visit (digital) 9/20 Received an email with payment and saying application was submitted on 9/20. I am thinking my countdown starts from 9/20. I emailed IDPH on 10/1 and...
  16. H

    Cooking with RSO

    Hey guys! I’m about a month-month and a half away from getting my medical card in illinois! Looking to make my own edibles, and have tried a few different times at making CanaOil or CanaButter, and have not done it well. I have been reading up on RSO, and was wondering if anyone had any tips...
  17. H

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    YaMo Timesuck?
  18. H

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    Maybe, but it is still nice to hope! Maybe that has changed in the last month and those of us who submitted recently, will see a time similar to the one it quotes! Glass half full, or should I say, bowl half full ha
  19. H

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    Hey all, I was in my dispencary’s website, and they had a card time estimator, and you put in your email and state, and they estimate how many calendar days it will take to get your card. Not saying this is true, and it’s probably off, but it currently says 57 days! Here is the link. MedCardClock
  20. H

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    Has anyone else gone through Innoative Express care? I know I still have a while yet, but wanted to know their process. And I’m not frustrated at all, I know it takes a long time, so please don’t take this as I am pissed I haven’t gotten it yet! First digital visit: 9/11 2nd doctors visit (1st...