also check out my little AK-48 =D give me some pointers, i hope to clone her sooon =D, and i seen how well you did with your clones so, hope i can do the same lol
okay sweet, well i hope it's a female so i can use her as a mother. lol =D i got some new pics of her, i'll post em now =D i was thinkin about switching the time from 18/6 to 14/10, so there is more chance of females for our younger babies
=O i want some INSANEMj share the wealth mann, here i am in the desert with no water(dying) and you've got a full water bottle lol, well i got a pic of the nodes of my Ak and i dono what these are but i hope its not a male. =(
that's sick man, so these two dudes are pals with this grower? =D 'cause thats fuckin sweet, especially if you got either clones or seeds cannabisclut =D