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  1. GuyLeDuche

    Screen sizes for dry-sifting hash from trim?

    There's tons of good stuff on YouTube, try Bubbleman's World or his buddy D420K, they can tell you what screens as well as some great tips to get cleaner end results :)
  2. GuyLeDuche

    Lets learn about soilless mixes!

    I get the 4 cu ft bags of Sunshine #4 at Home Depot for $24ish and a $7 bag of Perlite, that does about 10 5gal pots I think. I've also recently started adding Dr. Earth's rooting booster to the media, it's a nice benny pre-mix.
  3. GuyLeDuche

    CFL lighting question

    It does help, but can also hurt depending on what you use. Is it possible you are getting a hot spot on your sick plant? Something like tin foil can focus the light when it gets wrinkly and actually burn plants, or so I've read... I'm assuming you mean 100w equivalent CFLs, rather than actual...
  4. GuyLeDuche

    The perfect perpetual micro grow

    Well, here's a few rough reflection numbers for thought: Flat white paint: 30% Mylar: up to 70% Diamond Film: 90% So I would consider the light ray's travel distance to be about the same, reflected or not, but less is getting there thru reflection loss.
  5. GuyLeDuche

    The perfect perpetual micro grow

    I hate to disagree with the Grow Boss lol, but wouldn't sharing light be more efficient? I would think both plants would benefit from the overlapping light rather than blocking them off separately. I could see it if they were different strains maybe, with different needs...
  6. GuyLeDuche

    cfl v t5

    I think those higher wattage CFLs are best used vertically to use all the surface area of the bulb, but they get hot..... I'm betting the T5 would have a much nicer footprint than the CFL used as pictured.... And you can replace single T5 bulbs cheaper than the CFL...
  7. GuyLeDuche

    Whats the best nutrients to use? For vegging and flowering

    Yea for a first try I would just grab a pint of DynaGro Grow, It's cheap and you can just use it the whole way. I would feed lighter at first, maybe...
  8. GuyLeDuche

    Whats the best nutrients to use? For vegging and flowering

    Well the question is a little vague imo, it kinda depends. Do you want cheap, most complete, what medium, etc.... I like DynaGro Grow, Bloom, and ProTekt as a line personally. I'm far from expert, and it's a pretty full basic line with not much tinkering needed. Edit: I should say many people...
  9. GuyLeDuche

    How many pounds?

    Geez, .75gpw I think would be around 9lbs for 6 1k lights? IDK anything about the grow, but they look like they should be in that neighborhood to me...
  10. GuyLeDuche

    Reliable seeds distributors? I hear Attitude is no good anymore

    Yea, that's something to be aware of, actual "stealth" shipping is part of the Guaranteed Delivery upgrade, about $16usd I think when I did it... Worth it to me, just in case it was seized they would re-ship...But really, without going into detail, it would be hard to ship stealth without...
  11. GuyLeDuche

    Reliable seeds distributors? I hear Attitude is no good anymore

    I've had good luck with Midweek Song as well, as was said earlier you need to specify stealth and tell them if you don't want breeder packaging, but stealth does come with delivery guarantee. I've had a few letdowns on the pick'em freebies, but I also scored a few real winners ( like Medical...
  12. GuyLeDuche

    How does the age of the mother effect cloning?

    Well not to be argumentative, but a clone is the same age as it's mom, so if you clone a clone, you are still just cloning the mom, yea?
  13. GuyLeDuche

    One of my CFL micro cabinet plants

    Great job, I love a good CFL micro grow :). For future reference, lumens are a measure for the human eye, plant don't care about them. IME the 2700's would have made them a little denser, but the blue light is great for frost...
  14. GuyLeDuche

    cannabis science

    Seriously, can you say anything that isn't just straight hating on RM3? We get it, you don't want to buy his book, move on dude ffs....
  15. GuyLeDuche

    compressing nugs

    I pre-compress every nug I press for Rosin using a folded piece of parchment paper. I fold it down the middle first, then on one side leaving me a corner pocket. I stuff about a gram of 65% rh herb into the corner then pack it in a bit before folding the other side over, leaving a 3 sided square...
  16. GuyLeDuche

    Im confuse do i grind up my weed to smoke it with a pipe?

    There are some devastating vapes out there, you just have to get one designed in the last 10 years lol ( no offense to the Arizer, but those bags are so 1990 ;) ) There's the killer logs like the EpicVape Enano and UnderDog, or water pipe add-ons like the Life Saber (LSV) or Hammer. Even...
  17. GuyLeDuche

    Making dabs / shatter with hair straighteners

    For rosin with fine material use a coffee filter made into a pouch. The oil will squeeze thru mostly, then you can pull the puck of junk out after 2-3 presses and press just the filter to get the rest out. If the herb doesn't stick together with finger pressure it's too dry, you need to put it...