Search results

  1. SmoochieBoochies

    CMH with LED

    The UV spectrum provided by the cmh is great for sats but not for our eyes so sunglasses in the grow room are a must. Hang out under them for too long doing lst and you'll get burned skin lol
  2. SmoochieBoochies

    CMH with LED

    I have plenty of experience with CMH in growing tropical sativa or narrow leaf strains, but do not use LED. What do you need to know and I may be able to assist?
  3. SmoochieBoochies

    Bodhi Seeds - Apollo 11 ! Anyone grew it?

    It dropped earlier today on attitude... Picked up a few packs before it sold out. May be at other seed banks... Is worth a search. Happy growing!
  4. SmoochieBoochies

    Florida Growers Thread

    It's coming down like a cow pissing on a flat rock!!! Finally!!!
  5. SmoochieBoochies

    Florida Growers Thread

    April 1 is almost here!!! Sativa Seeds Full Moon coming on line soon, time to try some thai in the great outdoors!!! Anybody have a rocket launcher I can borrow for those damn flir choppers?
  6. SmoochieBoochies

    Can I give dyna gro bloom in veg ?

    Not really, you will not be giving them enough N and too much P, unless you have amendments in the soil (say you used blood meal and you need to give them a little P and K). If you can't find any DG Grow, you can use fish oil to supplement the veg stage (5-1-1 or 5-3-3).
  7. SmoochieBoochies

    Is actual GROWING experience a requirement to be a moderator?

    ...or not always as knowledgeable as they would have the general membership believe...
  8. SmoochieBoochies

    Is actual GROWING experience a requirement to be a moderator?

    Well, I certainly understand where you are coming from, and I have seen those same tendencies here to the same extent, especially the "mentally incompetent" and "I can't be banned, Ima sic my wanna-be Goon Squad on you, so I can ban you" versions of the moderator, rather than a true moderator...
  9. SmoochieBoochies

    Is actual GROWING experience a requirement to be a moderator?

    Ok, since I only have two mods responding, maybe I should rephrase the question: If you are a moderator, can you please verify how much growing experience you have, if any, so that I, and others, may gauge the value of your input on the topic of growing in the MJ forums?
  10. SmoochieBoochies

    Is actual GROWING experience a requirement to be a moderator?

    Ha ha! Well, if you're the "Hallucinatory Substances" mod, sure, I'll buy into that.
  11. SmoochieBoochies

    Stoner paranoia?

    Be sure to mist the growing medium only, do not mist the leaves or you will smother the clone, it needs to breathe, that's why you use a cloning chamber to trap the humidity in the air. Happy growing!
  12. SmoochieBoochies

    Stoner paranoia?

    No, you have nothing to worry about, lol. FLIR does not give a 3d image, nor does it give them x-ray vision. If you were using an outbuilding, like a garden shed or such, then I'd worry. Happy growing!
  13. SmoochieBoochies

    Is actual GROWING experience a requirement to be a moderator?

    True, but I didn't post this question in T&T, but here in MJ Growing, where I would like to believe that, since they are "moderating", part of the job description would include fact checking on some of the horrible advice that is sometimes given out, or even their own advice. I can easily...
  14. SmoochieBoochies


    Nope, they munch other bugs, especially caterpillars. You CAN use tobacco juice, but it isn't a good idea on mj. There are a billion other organic options, like pyrethrin (for soil/fungus gnats) and neem oil (white flies, spider mites).
  15. SmoochieBoochies

    Is actual GROWING experience a requirement to be a moderator?

    Sorry to hear about the seeds on your first grow, but it happens, did you get a hermie? Well, I'm just that good, one post and I know it all... ha ha! Actually I HAD about 1700 or so, but The Hackening wiped out my count. I'd say check out my sig and see my grow, but the final harvest pics...
  16. SmoochieBoochies

    Is actual GROWING experience a requirement to be a moderator?

    I'm just curious, what actual growing experience (in years, not grows) do you all have? I have my doubts, and I need reassurance.
  17. SmoochieBoochies

    Boycott "feminized" seeds

    To all commercial Breeders and Seedbanks: I have noticed a very disturbing trend, that many of you have decided to forgo the production of "Regular" seed versions of your strains, in favor of exclusive "Feminized" seed stock. While I feel "Feminized" seeds have a place in the gardens of...
  18. SmoochieBoochies

    Moby Dick vs. Nebula Growdown d(".")b

    Hey everybody. Life again has decided to strap me onto the rocket, so it is time to blast off out into the world again. I will post a final update and smoke report once this grow is complete. Thank you for watching and may all of your grows be bountiful! :peace:
  19. SmoochieBoochies

    Goodbye everyone! Lighting the rocket and blasting off one last time!

    Goodbye everyone! Lighting the rocket and blasting off one last time!
  20. SmoochieBoochies

    Moby Dick vs. Nebula Growdown d(".")b

    Hey everybody. I hope you are all doing well. Busy, busy, busy here trying to set up this grow on remote. One week left until I have to leave, then they are on their own for 5 days at a time. Yet another digital ph meter went bad on me, reading a full 1 higher than it is supposed to...