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  1. Weouthere

    Seedling leaves are light green

    2 weeks in this picture, it was right after I topped her. That was 4-5 days ago now I’m out of town but I’ll upload a pic when I get home tomorrow
  2. Weouthere

    Newby-What am I doing wrong?

    Depending on your needs to might build it out of wood and then line it with that reflective stuff. I’ve gotten better climate control having a solid box than the pvc-duct tape wrapped frame tent thing
  3. Weouthere

    Newby-What am I doing wrong?

    LINK : Any of these would work pretty well depending on the size of your tent
  4. Weouthere

    Newby-What am I doing wrong?

    OOOooh shit man let’s see if I can remember.. I got it at Home Depot %100 I know that. The one roll was enough for my 2x2x4 tent. Easy to cut and tape with reflective metal tape. It’s some type of insulation line or something like that. Check around plumbing and electrical, then maybe by...
  5. Weouthere

    Seedling leaves are light green

    It looks like the spots are only on the older leaves, not the new growth. That’s exactly my case. I don’t know if it was the addition of a small amount of calmag or if it’s just blemishes from growing, but it’s doing great now with now more issues
  6. Weouthere

    First Grow Blueberry Kush. 4th week into Flower.

    They look great! Pics without lights would be much appreciated :)
  7. Weouthere

    Newbie needing lots of advise

    I’m very new but after building my own grow box and trying to put it together myself if I did it again, or even when I get some good money, I was thinking about buying a premade set up. You can spend as much or as little as you want on growing, but your end product will show it
  8. Weouthere


    Experience beats all. Get those hands dirty and soil under your nails! I killed my first plant after many mistakes, but now I’ve got 2 plants doing great, and I’d attribute all of that to my experience. Wether that’s knowing when to come on here and ask for help, or just getting to know the...
  9. Weouthere

    Newby-What am I doing wrong?

    I killed my first plant and it was getting big. Lots of mistakes to be made when you first start! Only on my second try and it’s been so much smoother. This is what it looked like About a week before it died
  10. Weouthere


    I TRIED to veg in a tent and outdoor but it was too late in the season. My new idea is to veg indoor for a couple months before outdoor season, then throw it outside for the full outdoor season
  11. Weouthere

    I’M GONNA DO IT and You Can’t Stop Me

    If I remember correctly it’s 16”
  12. Weouthere

    I’M GONNA DO IT and You Can’t Stop Me

    I mean it’s only 32w..
  13. Weouthere

    I’M GONNA DO IT and You Can’t Stop Me

    I had the LED really close when it was popping, just a couple inches. It runs really cool. What’s the downside of having it close other than maybe less light penetration? I have lights I can put on the sides to supplement as well
  14. Weouthere

    Gorilla zkittlez from barney's

    I’ve been looking at ordering from them! Critical looks like a good strain for my first purchase..
  15. Weouthere

    I’M GONNA DO IT and You Can’t Stop Me

    Okay! Gotcha man thanks. My current plan for this one is to top once at 4th node (did that 3days ago) and then doing it again, maybe trying to fim. Depending on how it’s looking I might do it again and the em all down around the pot Definitely going to do some LST, scrog just seemed a little too...
  16. Weouthere

    I’M GONNA DO IT and You Can’t Stop Me

    This is my first grow, gonna take is easy on training! For sure want to scrog my next grow though!!
  17. Weouthere

    I’M GONNA DO IT and You Can’t Stop Me

    This is easily the best answer I’ve gotten regarding LEDs.. good lord thank you!! How do I get this so more newbies can see it? I feel like I’ve seen the same question asked and answered a million different ways and yours wins
  18. Weouthere

    I’M GONNA DO IT and You Can’t Stop Me

    Hey guys. Contrary to the title I could be stopped Easily Anyway, I have a 2’x2’x4’ grow box I built, painted white inside. 1 gal pot, 60/40 ffof:perlite 32w Feit LED 3 spectrum grow light and another 9w grow light on the side Day 14 My buddy is in college and recently did an experiment using...
  19. Weouthere

    Notice edges on my leaves are curling up

    Some of mine did that, I think it’s just growth phases, maybe reaching for light? I think you can see it in this pic
  20. Weouthere

    Seedling leaves are light green

    Fox farms Ocean Forest, pretty good soil