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  1. BluJayz

    White powder mold?

    Lol, the beginning stages of Mycorrihizae? You can also sprinkle some ground cinnamon on top of the new soil to prevent buildup.
  2. BluJayz

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    some blueberry x white widow trim, winterized and vac over 24/hr. Looks shiny like a film is still left, reminds me of oil on water.... Not a peep on the nail and taste like friggin berries galore.. Ever seen this before, it's still pretty sticky then I'm used to. Could it be the strain...
  3. BluJayz

    Winterizing bho

    LoL I single out the white fluid and let it dry on its own. Really not much in it; it takes longer to evap and I have adhd. I do have to admit at first I thought it was pure THC and was quickly put in my place. lol Ready for the chamber now:
  4. BluJayz

    Winterizing bho

    The hot cold thing yeah, it happens around that line for me. Where its as cold as spray from a can around the rim; but the plate has been on a 100F for hours.
  5. BluJayz

    BHO with Vacuum oil/wax tutorial

    If it looks like it has a protective film or sparks when smoked that's usually a sign. As for 25% yield, I guess with the right strain but could just be warm bho with lots of fats and waxes? Edit: largest we've made is 19.64%
  6. BluJayz

    Winterizing bho

    Anyone ever have butane molecularize (idk...) when purging the eth out? Dish gets cold and turns the sides to wax while the dish still has eth? (under heat)
  7. BluJayz

    Ok so what's the big dealz with BHO?

    Which kind, is that it in your sidebar?
  8. BluJayz

    BHO with Vacuum oil/wax tutorial

    Wow that's allot of folding and work. I thought you were going to make a honeycomb ball at first like a beehive.
  9. BluJayz

    Ok so what's the big dealz with BHO?

    Lol I have a hard time smoking flowers now that we mostly do wax. Flowers seem so harsh but it is defiantly more of a well rounded high that is necessary at times.
  10. BluJayz

    How long can a qwiso mix sit in the freezer for?

    Now your speaking my language; 10k year storage here I come!
  11. BluJayz

    How long can a qwiso mix sit in the freezer for?

    I don't know if i'm too high or what... but I think your saying in or out of the freezer (ISO/oil) as long as its sealed and in the dark will last just as long. Thanks for the link too
  12. BluJayz

    How long can a qwiso mix sit in the freezer for?

    How about outside the freezer, how long can you store infused ISO that has been strained?
  13. BluJayz

    what gives

    Oh wow; wasn't expecting that...
  14. BluJayz

    iso hash from 4 oz's of stems??

    Your always spot on its funny Fadee: I do the same thing. lol I've had MRI and testing and they have labeled me with "hemiacrania Continua" basically means my head hurts all the time and they don't know why. (wtf) They think it's my brain swelling and at the base of my skull there is little...
  15. BluJayz

    iso hash from 4 oz's of stems??

    That's interesting that you said that Fade. Afterwards I was working on another project and that area of my neck got tight and warm and I felt uncomfortable. It's a typical swelling spot for my migraine but that's good to know. Thanks for the info, I will try it again and do much shorter.
  16. BluJayz

    iso hash from 4 oz's of stems??

    I know I just figured with them being big stems that a a longer soak would collect more oils, I figured it to come out hashy and heavy. I've done flowers for 3 min too and never got black stuff. Must of been almost no trichs on them at all.
  17. BluJayz

    iso hash from 4 oz's of stems??

    Decided to try your question. We took one plants worth of stems. Did not weigh it but likely around an ounce or two of weight. Did ISO soak for 3min with about 1L of 99%; then let the ISO air dry for a few days. After it was mostly gone added 192 proof and let it sit in the freezer for...
  18. BluJayz

    Sooo pissed!!!

    For the chamber yes; but that doesn't tell me that the pump is in 100% working order; ya know what I mean?
  19. BluJayz

    Sooo pissed!!!

    lol got me there. I did not. Butttttt I'm still entertaining the idea and have strategically inserted it into my Christmas list. I went Corning hotplate with magnetic stirrer.
  20. BluJayz

    Why does my bho look as it does

    Pictures are a must! 145 is high.... How old is your slick pad?