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  1. C

    They didn't look like this yesterday!

    Leaves have been thinning and tips burning. I lowered the ppm ... then when mixing feed yesterday I noticed the OminA amino acids by NPK RAW has a ton of nitrogen in it... 14-0-0 .... oops ... week 5 of flower with a shit load of N. Guess I'll just stop using that. Flushed with SLF 100 and...
  2. C

    newb here. 1st grow. just looking for advice

    I understand. You're going to be disappointed in your yield though. And it's not going to be worth the electric bill hike.
  3. C

    newb here. 1st grow. just looking for advice

    Look up videos on topping and scrog. Start topping as soon as possible and get a net in there as soon as the stems are able to be moved. Switch to 12/12 in as little as 3 or 4 weeks. Remember, they will stretch as much as 3 times their height in flower, so a scrog and early switch will help keep...
  4. C

    They didn't look like this yesterday!

    I'll just keep bumping my own thread until someone can answer the question. Or does no one really know why they're checking the runoff? They just think they're supposed to but don't know what to do with the results? Just a bunch of parrots?
  5. C

    They didn't look like this yesterday!

    Some say it's pointless.....everyone else can't say what the point is?
  6. C

    They didn't look like this yesterday!

    Annnd that tells me what? And why is " "to be" " in quotes? ph going in is almost always 5.8-6.0. In about a 3 gallon mix I've got 1/2 tsp of epsom salt and 8 mL of CaliMagic. I feed/water at least once a day. I was letting it dry out and getting very slow growth, as soon as I changed that...
  7. C

    They didn't look like this yesterday!

    Can someone please tell the purpose of (or provide a link) testing runoff? I've been searching and searching and only find debates as to the usefulness but no answers as to what the point of it is. Like, ok the ppm or ph is this number that means this and you should do that so this happens...
  8. C

    They didn't look like this yesterday!

    I just realized something.... Ph has never been out of the 5.7-6.1 range. Almost always 5.8/5.9... I flushed them for the last time today. Then put up the netting to get the tall ladies away from the light. That was about 4 hours ago. I just realized I didn't adjust or even check the ph of...
  9. C

    They didn't look like this yesterday!

    I clean up runoff with a bucket head vacuum. The water in the bucket I just checked it is at just over 900 ppm. ( I also use this to water my christmas tree...)
  10. C

    They didn't look like this yesterday!

    Starting with the necessities from the "Read this first!" thread; Growing in a tent in the basement. I feed at least once a day. Current feed is 800-900 ppm. In coco. Day 15 of Flower. For a very detailed description of the grow...
  11. C

    newb here. 1st grow. just looking for advice

    Coming from ; Lucas Formula for seedlings/cuttings For young plants (< 4 weeks old) or cuttings, which may not be able to handle a full strength feeding formula, may require that you dilute the nutrient solution before feeding. This is OK, just make sure you keep the correct...
  12. C

    newb here. 1st grow. just looking for advice

    Why is your RO water ppm so high? Either your system isn't filtering properly or your starting water is disgusting.
  13. C

    newb here. 1st grow. just looking for advice

    I've been using lucas. 6mL micro, 9mL bloom "per gallon".. I thin it out to recommended ppm level for the stage of growth.
  14. C

    My first grow, my first post, Hi everyone, critique?

    Definitely heard of Fox Farm. New to forums, never seen it abbreviated. I've kinda thought growers were either hydro, soil, or soiless. Any reason you use coco and soil? For side by side comparison? I did a little super cropping on a couple of the plants. Bounced back real quick. No idea if...
  15. C

    My first grow, my first post, Hi everyone, critique?

    Trying to keep it simple...while also kinda playing around with different methods. Not really keeping any records, just getting the basics down. Soak them and drop them, pretty simple. I've read some science about how soaking is beneficial and using kelp in the soak helps as well. I see ZERO...
  16. C

    newb here. 1st grow. just looking for advice

    I just noticed your tent size. I may be wrong, as like stated I'm no pro, but I think with that tent you should change your lighting plan. 48" in height will not be enough clearance for HID lighting. The light will be too strong being that close and the plants will get to hot as they grow closer...
  17. C

    My first grow, my first post, Hi everyone, critique?

    The two on the table are the males. I'll strip them for smoothies and tea over the next week or so. One of them I attempted to play with LST. One of females in the tent was also an LST attempt and was pruned yesterday. The one I pulled out of the tent for a picture just got pruned today. The...
  18. C

    My first grow, my first post, Hi everyone, critique?

    I forgot to mention I'll be adding Hydroguard Botanicare Bacillus root inoculant Thursday after their last flush before the net. It will be used per the directions on the container added lastly to the nutrient mixture.
  19. C

    My first grow, my first post, Hi everyone, critique?

    Growdict No they freebies they send are not labeled. I am doing a thorough trim before the netting tommorow and I will take a couple cuttings from each. However, I'm not expecting much as I don't have a proper cloning setup and honestly haven't done any research into cloning. Really just kind...
  20. C

    My first grow, my first post, Hi everyone, critique?

    sharptater, thanks for the reply Soaked them in tap water for at least overnight, maybe a lot longer, I'm not sure. Then a paper towel between plates on a germination mat. Kept it soaked, but after working a double came home to it dried out. They had half inch taproots. Put them in jiffy pods...