i put my 3 week and 3 day old AK48 in my DWC system and switched the nutes a bit, i also put my germinated Top44 in my mini DWC system, and here are some pics of my GFs 3 week old babies -
so in a day or two im going to take my AK out of my mini DWC and replant it into my 25L rubbermaid DWC, then put my new seedlings into my mini DWC system.
whats up? nice looking grow =D im going to watch this shit go down lol. well yeah im also going to be using individual bucket DWC system in my flower room and where did you get your buckets lol? just wondering lol
i got myself a 3 week old AK-48 that is in a my mini DWC system, but will be moved into a bigger DWC system, my top 44 and shiva are still gerimanating. my ak is under 6 48'' flouros. temps runs around 75-80F , Humidity around 37-40%.