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  1. Ishrahnai

    Tommy Chong

    You're fucking joking!!??never would've imagined that. From sharing a cell with the dude from wolf of wall st to dancing with the stars, still.....should be a laugh if even just for a minute. Bet it pays well and since he was busted for having his face on drug related items perhaps he needed a...
  2. Ishrahnai

    Come get BAKED with Yessica...

    He's not still in the basement is he?
  3. Ishrahnai

    Stupid f*****g neighbours!!

    Man I'm jealous of the amount of space you have at your disposal. All those goodies, beautiful girls swaying in the breeze(hoping it's not pollen laden).
  4. Ishrahnai

    Stupid f*****g neighbours!!

    What ever way you look at it, gotta do what you gotta do. Call it whatever you like man, I'm in. Do I get to wear a mask or a cool hat or anything?
  5. Ishrahnai

    Stupid f*****g neighbours!!

    Their girls do look a bit scrawny don't they, yours look lovely even if they're hungry. C99 and NL, can't go wrong with strains like that now can you.
  6. Ishrahnai

    **root's coming out of bottom of pot?

    Sweet, would've done that myself if I couldn't afford it once i learnt about them. £6.25 for a 15ltr one from my local grow shop.
  7. Ishrahnai


    If it meant having NO weed then scrap the phone idea, if you can get by the enhance your life further and go all mobile. I remember having a pager before phones were everywhere. I resisted getting a smart phone the same way I was initially disinterested in the internet, now I choose not to do...
  8. Ishrahnai

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

  9. Ishrahnai

    **root's coming out of bottom of pot?

    Made em yourself? that's cool. I'm around construction all day so draw the line at making pots(other than screwing them together once I bought them). Plants do love it though
  10. Ishrahnai


    Not sure where that came from but people only 'make' anything happen to you and your life if you let them. If something is gonna fuck your vibe up on YOUR birthday then take yourself off and have some fun. Do something you've never done before, please yourself If no one else will.
  11. Ishrahnai


    I think you need to take yourself off to the jibber jabber thread mate. 'Dogs fucked the pope man, this is no fault of mine'...........
  12. Ishrahnai

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    Ahhh the jibber jabber thread, I'm just about medicated enough for you now. I am at present sat with my boxer shorts on my head, a pencil up each nostril(rubber side up, safety first) and would just like to say.........................wubble..........WUBBLE INDEED!
  13. Ishrahnai


    Nice one man, kinda reminds me of 'goldie looking chain' in a way.
  14. Ishrahnai


    Like a bit if ear sex do ya? Whatever works I say. Nothing is ever what you expect deep in the K-hole..............................
  15. Ishrahnai

    Stupid f*****g neighbours!!

    Mmmmmm low cut top..................see just the thought of it is enough. What can I do for you?
  16. Ishrahnai


    Yeah baby, groovy! Right place, right time, right company. Also those amazing nights are never planned, just sorta evolve.
  17. Ishrahnai


    Mmmm having no idea why you're feeling weird would be unnerving. When I used to Party a lot, every now and then I'd be given a line of ketamine and every bloody time i'd forget I'd done it so when it kicked in whooooooooa -sideways.
  18. Ishrahnai


    As long as you're having fun and not hurting anyone including yourself then what's to worry about? All things in moderation....
  19. Ishrahnai

    **root's coming out of bottom of pot?

    In this world where we live there should be more happiness.........true story