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  1. R

    New grower

    Thanks man I started low stress training for that reason
  2. R

    New grower

    Is there any other lights suggested as the import fee to my country is practically the same cost of the light
  3. R

    New grower

    I genuinely forgot I had her til i seen her like i just randomly planted her lmao
  4. R

    New grower

    Thats my other plant
  5. R

    New grower

  6. R

    New grower

    I do have a third tho and she's now going into bud
  7. R

    New grower

    I planted new ones too to allow them to get a good bask in the sun
  8. R

    New grower

    Her now
  9. R

    New grower

    Mine are roughly 18 19 days old they had stuned growth so they don't look as good but they should come back now that I have amended the problems I.e the lights I will be upgrading big time to spider farmer lights
  10. R

    New grower

    I'll take a pic of her soon and post it not much progress but clear speed up of growth shes gained 4 pronged leaves and is already creating another set
  11. R

    New grower

    Well i won't say where I live but its around 26 which is hot for here and the plant is loving it
  12. R

    New grower

    Hey guys i found the problem my lights are mainly red waves which I know are for flower stage im going to purchase a new one when money isn't so tight but in the meantime god answered me prayer and gave me a heat wave with amazing sunlight the plants are showing signs of massive growth now!!
  13. R

    New grower

    Also I have been using 1 eighth of the nutrients that are advised
  14. R

    New grower

    Hey guys i transplanted my babys and am wondering how long will it take for a bounce back i mixed amendments into the conpost also mixed with clay and soil will this help. I also mixed some algamic into the water i gave it as i have read that it helps relieve any stress. How long would you say...
  15. R

    New grower

    Thank you for your help ill try find out a goof mix and prepare it any advice on how to minimise transplant shock
  16. R

    New grower

    How can I fix it an immediate transplant into a more mixed soil compost mix ? Or a big nutrient feed?
  17. R

    New grower

    I'm using shamrock compost and I'm using bio bizz products the full range should I increase the nutrient amount and also its an autoflower sin tra bajo auto seeds by barney the only really soil I have is from the ground and compost any advice on how to fix it
  18. R

    New grower

    Theyre under 2 300 watts and a 250 watt light
  19. R

    New grower

    Here they are feel free to criticise me to f##k as it is my first time and I appreciate any help or criticism
  20. R

    New grower

    I'll post a picture later when the lights turn back on and yeah I noticed that they all have the same environment but one has grown short and slower with a weird rubber like first weed leaf it looks mutated tf to be honest whilst the other is about 15 cms gainging its 5th or 6th set of leaves