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  1. chronicals77

    1000 watts = 2 lbs

  2. chronicals77

    1000 watts = 2 lbs

    I speak in laymens terms. If you know what your looking at the plant will tell you when its ready. I take everything into consideration. Ive been in horticulture for going on 23 years. 11 years on a serious level. But everyone should take trichomes and pistils into consideration when determining...
  3. chronicals77

    1000 watts = 2 lbs

    If you dont flush when growing DWC and feeding more than 1000ppms the buds will be minerally, harsh, and burn black.
  4. chronicals77

    1000 watts = 2 lbs

    My plants grow until they are done. I used to harvest according to what effect I wanted, stone or energetic high. Now I just grow a potent Indica if I want to slobber on myself and harvest at peak ripeness. All white trichs if possible. If not I go by trichs and pistils.
  5. chronicals77


    Thats where natural foxtailing came from in hydrids. Me personally, I wouldn't have any use for that plant. I just dont like the way they grow, there would be nothing significant there apart from potentcy and maybe quality. Me, I have to have quantity along with both of those.
  6. chronicals77

    Doc's Dank Seeds

    What?! You dont enjoy a grape or sour apple blunt? Come on man, your missing out! If I had a $1 for every blunt I ever rolled id be a rich bastard!
  7. chronicals77

    Dr Krippling Incredible Bulk Journal from seed.

    Best place is The Single Seed Centre as long as none of your mail has to be sorted at the Chicago Illinois Sorting Facility. If your mail goes through there you will almost never get your seeds!
  8. chronicals77

    1000 watts = 2 lbs

    Im not doing anything wrong, your just not understanding and are convinced flower starts the day you flip the switch. It does NOT, the plant has to adjust to the drastic change in light and also has to change chemically before it can just begin shitting out buds. You dont miraculously have buds...
  9. chronicals77

    1000 watts = 2 lbs

    Nevermind, you completely aren't grasping what im saying. Trust me, im correct. Im not saying flip doesn't initialize the flowering cycle, thats not what im saying at all. Durring transition MOST of the plants energy is spent on stretching, this cannot be considered week one of flower. The...
  10. chronicals77

    1000 watts = 2 lbs

    Former N.A.S.A. Botanist Dale Chamberland grows cannabis in Colorado Springs, yes he does. He is the one that first put hydroponics in space.
  11. chronicals77

    1000 watts = 2 lbs

    You have pistils showing by day 4-5 but you dont have full swing flower production until about days 7-8. Thats not early flower, read the chart. Its transition then early flower begins. If what you were saying were true I wouldn't be flushing right now at week 8 flower. According to you id be...
  12. chronicals77

    Dr Krippling Incredible Bulk Journal from seed.

    I'll post a pic tomorrow.
  13. chronicals77

    1000 watts = 2 lbs

    Look, whats the first week after flip? Transition. Please do not tell me GH professionals dont know what they are talking about. GH is backed by N.A.S.A. Botonists. Read! The info is out there. Anyone counting day one flip as day one flower is technically wrong.
  14. chronicals77

    1000 watts = 2 lbs

    There is a week of transition indoors no matter how you type it. Taking a plant from 18hrs straight to 12hrs causes stress. That flip initiates flower cycle yes but just like you said significant flowers begin developing around 7 days. Hense the prior week of transition.
  15. chronicals77

    1000 watts = 2 lbs

    Its out there, anyone can find it and learn just as I did. The quickest thing I can show you is this DWC feed chart. It shows what I am talking about right on it. Just because the majority of the people you know count flower from flip doesn't mean its correct. This chart isn't necessarily proof...
  16. chronicals77

    Dr Krippling Incredible Bulk Journal from seed.

    3oz, I could not imagine getting less than a pound off any plant. IB's potential is so much more than that.
  17. chronicals77


    Repetitive generations can cause weakness and unstable genetics. Same as clones, you can repeat the same genetics by taking clones from clones, from clones but it will peak. After that peak the quality reduces with each generation or every few. You can only clone the same genetic for so many...
  18. chronicals77


    Could be caused by a nematode or a pest like thripes laying eggs into the soft plant tissue before the seeds are developed. If it were genetic you would think the deformity would continue into the rest of the plant and into clones also. I need to study this more and experiment before I retract...
  19. chronicals77

    1000 watts = 2 lbs

    Exactly correct, this is why most people have to give thier plants another week or two longer. Just time them correctly and you'll find thier usually right on schedule.
  20. chronicals77

    1000 watts = 2 lbs

    Outdoors is completely different, its gradual. Outside your not flipping a switch from 18hr days to 12hr days. Also most switch bulbs from MH or CFL to HPS or LED. Or from one spectrum to another. Same as seeding a plant, if your plants get pollinated the potency will be drastically reduced and...