weell the autos got there name because guess whut they do things automaticly
they start to flower at 20 - 22 days
they flower 8-10 weeks
then they start to die off
sycles are pre determined
when they got mixed with rudaralies
that made them into automatics
if looking for a long veg...
id trim it in tight
get a box slighty gigger then after trim
pack pot into box bottom very tight and secure
tape over top of pot
leave top of plat free
leave top of box open - just fold over flaps for trip in and out of truck
going to be hot in truck
a male has very minimal requirments nutin to take care of an still delivers
timer not needed - turn off an on whenever you think on it
food - very close to none i never tried without any
i top them - to slow groth sum can get tall
to collect - ibend plant over to a 45 then let poll fall on...
yeah i member you sayin you were getting 100 degree weather and dry no humidity
regretfully the fires are one of the results from that weather
i hope no one gets hurt this time
i did the google for you thought this is the best one
all pics lookin good
i recognize Carlos not other two
sounds like a plan bro
those are sum lanky azzed plants will thay hold a bud up
see i knew you were a racest had black bear digging in garbage
an white bear chillin wit a cig an a fifth of vodka
not fair
not fair
how ya like...
thanks for the info i had forgotten
im liken the qualities of the plant so far
a nice cross to me so far a High quality stingy plant to a quality giver uper
am waiting on an order from BCB took ten days to get there to be in office for two then i guess ten back sheez
getting Blueberry, The Purp. Girl Scout Cookies, God Bud, an Mango - i got a few Kushes already
gluck - how long to get yo order any pics
yo BC i hope al is gucci for you an fam - nutin but good atchu
whut was yield like on couger and whut was its ingredients again
old man dont member shit des days
to do da P O thing Monday id be spectin fri
the guilty...
yeah i know whut you mea i feel better when i offer then when they ask
las t week returning from a Dr appointment while sitting at a light
there was a homeless fellow sorting through his stuff as they do
i called him over gave him 2 bucks not the sams as you but i felt good for it