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  1. Hotsause

    The Sause Factory...Setting Shit On Fiyah

    Space Fruit Finished and curing as we speak I only took her about 50 days she could have gone till 60 and she would have densed up but still impressed with my results
  2. Hotsause

    TGA By Others

    Damn This Thread is epic frosty shit EVERYWHERE lol. Nice work folks Here is what Space Fruit (Space Queen x Timewreck) First is the low yielding Cherry Pheno And next is the other Pheno Smells Amazing. Almost like a Rainbow lollipop very very sweet and a mix of fruity flavors. Anyway Here she is
  3. Hotsause

    Post Your Pics, No Serious You Can Actually Do It Here!

    I love that Purple Jones. Bag Appeal out the ass, Good high, and one of my favorite taste. Good looking girls Azh
  4. Hotsause

    And then I put some Hotsause in it!

    Day 45 Space Fruit S1 (Cherry Pheno) Space Fruit 1 (Strawberry Pheno)
  5. Hotsause

    Rare dankness/rd genetics

    GTH 1 Transplanted and ready to go into flowering as soon as she spreads her roots a little.
  6. Hotsause

    Club 600

    LMAO at the ice cream truck guy Here is some pics of my creation Space Fruit on day 45
  7. Hotsause

    The Sause Factory...Setting Shit On Fiyah

    Day 45 First up Space Fruit S1 Pheno
  8. Hotsause

    And then I put some Hotsause in it!

    WOOT thanks for the report CSU that only makes me happier about the name choice :D. Now i need to find a nice stud and back cross them and stabilize them further
  9. Hotsause

    Hotsauses First 600w Grow

    I use Bat Guano, Kelp, Mollasses, Peruvian Sea Bird Guano,worm castings and some other stuff. I will post up the original recipe when i find it
  10. Hotsause

    Post Your Pics, No Serious You Can Actually Do It Here!

    Me also What they Be?
  11. Hotsause

    And then I put some Hotsause in it!

    Good luck csu! They have tons of different undertones but the fruity scent seems to over power all. The Strawberry pheno aka #1 has a bit of a Sour smell going on today.
  12. Hotsause

    Post Your Pics, No Serious You Can Actually Do It Here!

    I love Juicy Fruit I haven't seen it in any mmc's in a while . That Lemonaid Afghani sounds delicious to You have my ass over here drooling thinking about what that must have been like. I will be running a DQ cherry pheno soon how is yours coming out?
  13. Hotsause

    Post Your Pics, No Serious You Can Actually Do It Here!

    Thanks Mid That is Space Fruit(S1 aka The Cherry Pheno) Shes been most impressive thus far. I also forgot to say nice girls Garlic It looks like alot of fun to be able to have a green house.
  14. Hotsause

    Post Your Pics, No Serious You Can Actually Do It Here!

    Is that a legit cut of Juicy Fruit? I need that in my life lol Took some flicks today Im just gonna throw them up Day 39 KsB Caramel Candy Kush>
  15. Hotsause

    And then I put some Hotsause in it!

    WOOT Lavender from two different gardens :D. I love it this is an awesome experience to see something I chucked in gardens :D. Anyway I took pics today I am offically naming SQ x TW Space Fruit because it fits so well with the smells im getting. I must say the Cherry Pheno aka S1 is looking SO...
  16. Hotsause

    And then I put some Hotsause in it!

    Looking good Rae. I hope those ladies put off some impressive bud. Are you getting any interesting smells of them when rubbing the stems? Today is Day 40 in my garden I am going to pull everything out and do a nice cleaning of my tent. Then I will take some close ups of both my girls.
  17. Hotsause

    Club 600

    Congrats D enjoy it why they are young once they start walking and talking IT GETS CRAZY lol. Being a Dad sure is a joy
  18. Hotsause

    WhoDat Sticky Trap

    Looking good brotha. That OG Kush Looks very similar to gsc to me.