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  1. valhalla88

    DNA Genetics Lemon Skunk Grow

    Thanks Lacey...I clipped some of the lower branches and let it dry a few days ,stem snapped ..I rolled a pinner ands me and a buddy were stoned for like 5 hours. I nevere expected to do this well on my first go....I just want to roll a huge joint and share itr with the world...awesome strain and...
  2. valhalla88

    FuZZyBuDz takes a D.W.C. dip, first hydro grow! {of course theres piks}

    well u could vape some....that would work real good!
  3. valhalla88

    Shack's 125W CFL DIY Tent Grow

    no probs with my Lemon skunk ...was yours from DNA genetics?
  4. valhalla88

    FuZZyBuDz takes a D.W.C. dip, first hydro grow! {of course theres piks}

    Sweet! I swear I'm leaving the dirt behind!!!! Killer spears! and so damn frosty...Fuzzy ur the 1st Ive heard to throw down with that MH the last couple weeks...way to go! You da man homie!
  5. valhalla88

    Keep Your Business to yourself or your...Going to get BUSTED

    and what are you talking about ???The plant has been persecuted in other places other than the U.S. I mean really it just started with Nixon...yeah okay some places the lock you up for some research before you start blabbing...
  6. valhalla88

    My plants are droopy 4 weeks old (HELP)

    NEVER wait until they are even close to drying out...less water more often is the rule until you get sizable plants then you will want to stick your finger about 2-3 " if its dry that far then water...usually every 2 days feed...water water thats a weeks schedule!
  7. valhalla88

    DNA Genetics Lemon Skunk Grow

    I used my 400 watt hps from feb 24th to April 16th then I switched to a sunmaster Metal halide Broad spectrum to pack on trichs and resin...this is my first grow also. I veg for 8weeks and I will flower until the hairs are almost all reddish orange and my trichs are 75% amber. Do you have a...
  8. valhalla88

    Welcome aboard CuddleBunny!

    Welcome aboard CuddleBunny!
  9. valhalla88

    FuZZyBuDz takes a D.W.C. dip, first hydro grow! {of course theres piks}

    Awesome job ...I mean that bitch was thick...I'm guessing 3.5 dry! what do I win? winner winner chicken dinner??!!!lol!
  10. valhalla88

    Up to Date Photos of Your Girls!

    camera took a shit so ...I'll get some shots of each plant ASAP! Enjoy!
  11. valhalla88

    Up to Date Photos of Your Girls!

    some skinny ass bitches tho...hope they fill out and get thick...they are hard tho so thats cool that they are dense! These last two are the younger plant by five days...but they went into flower same day! She is a bit greener and has a different aroma but same strain ,same breeder
  12. valhalla88

    Up to Date Photos of Your Girls!

    Just about done. I HOPE! They have been flowering since feb 24th under 400 watt hps until two days ago I put the mh back on 'em for trich $ resin increase...wish they were done!:!::weed:
  13. valhalla88

    DNA Genetics Lemon Skunk Grow

    when oh when will she be done...after I'm dead ?lol? I leave them to you if thats the