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  1. BudgetGrows

    The Starting Line, let the fun begin!

    Looking all right, have some odd yellowing, almost bubbling, like a skin blister would be ?? Never seen it. Maybe LED burn? Just picked up some cheap LED bulbs to add a little more lighting. Still just a Temp. Mock set up before I build a perm. Box. Want to use it awhile so taking my time. I...
  2. BudgetGrows

    Killing spider mites 2-3 weeks from harvest

    What is in SNS-209 that's different than my SNS-217??? Just a price difference lol?
  3. BudgetGrows

    The Starting Line, let the fun begin!

    Still cooking away. Almost time for pots already!!/
  4. BudgetGrows

    The Starting Line, let the fun begin!

    Looking better, Monstercropped trait kept. There branching at the nodes. I even had one sprout a new shoot from the pellet
  5. BudgetGrows

    Killing spider mites 2-3 weeks from harvest

    Anyone with a good Bomb product for when plants are gone, can I Bomb the whole grow room and be good for nest grow?
  6. BudgetGrows

    Killing spider mites 2-3 weeks from harvest

    Mites are the cockroaches of spiders. Resilient buggers. To RID mites, yes is a daunting task you most often lose
  7. BudgetGrows

    Killing spider mites 2-3 weeks from harvest

    I'm my experience, I've used just a rosemary tea spray. I have had spider mites at the same time frame you have. It really is a bummer depending on size of your grow. I have a great local hydro shop that carries a product called SNS-217. I like it quite a bit although I feel whatever you spray...
  8. BudgetGrows

    The Starting Line, let the fun begin!

    There not looking too bad,been a couple days since transplant. I'm trying to hrden them off to the LED but I think I burned them. LED is 30"! Put them back under the CFLs and will switch back a little longer each time, hope it helps :/... I'm not really good at judging if the plants stretching...
  9. BudgetGrows

    Help...Do you know what this is ???

    Can you snap a photo without the LED light? Could be a couple things. That's a common problem with mites, could be start of powder mildew fungus.
  10. BudgetGrows

    The Starting Line, let the fun begin!

    Ok they were sprouting roots like crazy and through them in cups right away. Out of happyfrog and used ocean Forrest. Hope they don't burn. Dipped the pellet in light light superthrive water solution. Hopefully help with any transplant issues. Soil lightly damp. But mainly just moistened the...
  11. BudgetGrows

    The Starting Line, let the fun begin!

    So many options these days, I was going to ask the wattage comparison to CFLs and your light height. My last CFL light I made was 20-23w bulbs I think at inches away. If I had the same thought with those my babies would have been fried! I got home late tonight so haven't the time to...
  12. BudgetGrows

    The Starting Line, let the fun begin!

    That's great info just because I was wondering what switch people are doing from CFLs. My state no longer is carrying CFLs and all being replaced with LED bulbs. I wasn't sure on growing with these. I've made a few CFLs light set ups, and might run one for veg with the LED to see how they...
  13. BudgetGrows

    The Starting Line, let the fun begin!

    Are you saying these can grow plants?
  14. BudgetGrows

    The Starting Line, let the fun begin!

    That's a nice light!
  15. BudgetGrows

    The Starting Line, let the fun begin!

    Yeah, I got a low end vipar300w led. I don't like the spectrum. Too blue for flower. Could be all right for veg. I'll throw my clones in solo cups and put under this for now. Maybe I can veg all the way through with it and build a good flowering light. I'll start at maybe 24" I think and work...
  16. BudgetGrows

    The Starting Line, let the fun begin!

    Where did you pick up the round light socket base. That's nice
  17. BudgetGrows

    The Starting Line, let the fun begin!

    What lights are those? I'm looking at lights now. But looking a complete led units, haven't got too much into COB kits at all
  18. BudgetGrows

    The Starting Line, let the fun begin!

    Starting a simple small personal grow. Indoor, unknown strain. Box, lights, still to come.. thinking cheap lol. Low cost LED lights. I am thinking scrog but haven't decided. Background, Monstercropped mother donated these cuts, there already branching odd and never stopped growing since cut...
  19. BudgetGrows

    Deficiency Help, High Heat

    Thanks. I've used the RAW products before. I may have b laying around. I'll have to check. Is that a top dress or foliar feed?
  20. BudgetGrows

    Deficiency Help, High Heat

    Oh, I also go from 3 to 5 gallons most times.