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  1. prostheticninja

    Citrus Farmer indoor dirt grow

    Looking incredible, man. About the fox tailing; if it truly breaks your heart, send it my way and I'll be more than happy to dispose of it for you lol. Nah, good work, buddy! You going to start flushing soon?
  2. prostheticninja

    400w hps bagseed grow

    Looking great, my man! Love to see girls plumping up:fire: How many weeks you thinking you have left?
  3. prostheticninja


    How did these turn out? I saw you said you ran Fuel Og in another thread. Just ordered a Fuel Og, Grapegum, and Black Valley. Really excited to run the Black Valley and the Fuel, but I just got the Grapegum so I could a few more freebies lol.
  4. prostheticninja

    Macmac's 3x3

    Looking good, man!
  5. prostheticninja

    water only

    Sorry to hear about the rot, Doc. Hope you didn't lose too much. I'll be heading out to my spot in a couple days (might have to make the trip sooner now that you said that) when I go bait. Going to keep my fingers crossed that I'm not running into the same problem as you. Got an Afghani out...
  6. prostheticninja

    400w hps bagseed grow

    Had never heard of Twisty Treat, but I gave them a Google and I think you are right about the quality for cheap. Just placed a pretty big order for beans, or else I might have considered trying these guys out. Their Bruce Banner x Creamsicle looks like it might be some good gear. Maybe I'll just...
  7. prostheticninja

    400w hps bagseed grow

    Yeah, not a bad idea. I've always worked with purchased genetics in the past, but now that I have amassed quite a collection of bag seeds, I am trying to thin the herd a bit lol. Trying to do two seeds in every cycle. This is my first try at that plan, but I like what I am seeing so far. The...
  8. prostheticninja

    MI new era cannabis regulations

    I really don't see any other options besides moving away, going illegal, quitting, or having faith. It's either that or be illegal, which is the best choice if it's the only choice. Look, I'm not saying that you act like a stray dog and take what is given to you after, and only after, begging...
  9. prostheticninja

    MI new era cannabis regulations

    As much as I do not agree with any type of prohibition against cannabis (except for minors or the irresponsible), this is how it is. It is frustrating to be "fed bread crumbs" like this, but again, that is how it is. I don't want to be "that guy", but if you don't like it, leave. No one is...
  10. prostheticninja

    400w hps bagseed grow

    I got a bagseed in flower about a week behind yours. Had two, but one turned out to be a male; rats! Your lady is coming along beautifully. It will be interesting to see what you end up with. Good luck on your grow!
  11. prostheticninja

    Random thread to post grow pics in

    Afghani freebie that Herbie's gave out a few moons ago. I have read it is Seedsman's Afghani. Not sure how reliable that is though. Kannabia's White Domina. She's doing pretty dang good for a freebie. I have a Mataro Blue going in DWC right now and she is mighty impressive; freebie aswell 8)...
  12. prostheticninja

    wut is this mottled leaf issue

    Not sure if it was said, or if you still care, but it could be variegation (I think that's re right term anyway). To my understanding, it is caused by lower concentrations of certain pigments in certain spots, and is a rather common condition in plants. I have not read of it being detremental. I...
  13. prostheticninja

    Ripper seeds, any info?

    Nice! Good for you, man. I'm glad you had a good harvest. What did you end up pulling off of the plant? What are you running next?
  14. prostheticninja

    White Widow Scrog

    Nice, that's all mine get too. A little bit of Cal-mag too just because I got the jug for free lol. That makes sense though, I did the same thing before I moved into here. I'm making progress though, I can keep the humidity down in my tent that is in the basement to a reasonable level when the...
  15. prostheticninja

    White Widow Scrog

    Your plants are looking good, man. It's always nuts to see how much they can stretch in just a week. Might have missed it, but what are you feeding your ladies? Also, it kinda looks like your indoor is in a basement. If it is: what is your humidity at down there?
  16. prostheticninja

    White Widow Scrog

    Anyway you could zip tie some more screen to that bar then support it with something on the other end? Like slam some pegs into the ground (or maybe rig something up with a non-oxidizing metal) so it's level with the existing screen you scabbed it off of. I drew you a picture of it incase it...
  17. prostheticninja

    White Widow Scrog

    Outdoor is looking good, man! Have you had any issues with it being so low? I tried fluxing one of my outdoors this year but some slugs must have been mighty hungry :cuss:
  18. prostheticninja

    Neptune seed bank? Firestax?

    What kind of a haul did you get for 7gs lol?
  19. prostheticninja

    Ripper seeds, any info?

    Hit us with some pics, bud! I have been contemplating including that in my next order along with a Washing Machine and a Grapegum (or a Zombie Kush) and would love to see how she is coming for you. I love those Afghani's too m8; heard this one is one of the good ones!