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  1. MoodyShoes

    Trump Demands Full Embargo of China

    All great responses, and I'll double check my spelling next time, but does anyone actually have a sensible answer as to why Donald Trump will be out of the presidency in 1.5 years or is this just conjecture, a la 2016? Like I say, it doesn't matter to me, but from an outsiders point of view it...
  2. MoodyShoes

    Trump Demands Full Embargo of China

    Why will Trump be gone in 1.5 years? Personally I don't care who the POTUS is, but by all accounts he's hardly going to be knocked off the pedastle by dirty old Joe Biden or Pocahontas. Unless there's someone else in the dems wings I can't see him going anywhere.
  3. MoodyShoes

    Trump hires a drunk

    That's exactly what I said. Well done.
  4. MoodyShoes

    Why does Trump always talk about voter fraud?

    Was he an illegal retard? I don't want to be mean.
  5. MoodyShoes

    Trump hires a drunk

    No. You're boring. I'm off. Have fun.
  6. MoodyShoes

    Why does Trump always talk about voter fraud?

    Hang on a minute. This guy was found out as being illegal? Or am I missing something?
  7. MoodyShoes

    Trump hires a drunk

    Thank you.
  8. MoodyShoes

    Trump hires a drunk

    I'm confused. Never banned, and a member for 5 years.
  9. MoodyShoes

    Trump hires a drunk

    BSc from LSE. In International Business and Economics. For my sins
  10. MoodyShoes

    Trump hires a drunk

    You're right, if "numbeo" dot com knows it, it must be true. Ffs.
  11. MoodyShoes

    Trump hires a drunk

    Well done. Thank you.
  12. MoodyShoes

    Trump hires a drunk

    Shhh. No one cares mate.
  13. MoodyShoes

    Trump hires a drunk

    If I gained credibility here, especially on this particular thread, I think I'd have to have a long hard look at my life.
  14. MoodyShoes

    Trump hires a drunk

    Thank you.
  15. MoodyShoes

    Trump hires a drunk

    Thank you.
  16. MoodyShoes

    Trump hires a drunk

    I just don't see how it affects one's ability to do their job. There was a guy who's name I forget, who essentially called out the Wall Street traders for what they were doing well in advance of the 2008 crash. He was then found to be a user of high end prostitutes, so the mass media defamed...
  17. MoodyShoes

    Trump hires a drunk

    Thank you.
  18. MoodyShoes

    Trump hires a drunk

    Business leaders hire people better than themselves? No, business leaders hire people with specific qualities, and specific qualifications to fill roles within their business. If the people business leaders hired were 'better' than them...they wouldn't be business leaders now would they...
  19. MoodyShoes

    Trump hires a drunk

    So? The fact that this comment means nothing at all isn't what interests me, its the fact you got so many likes. I guess there's one idiot born every minute.
  20. MoodyShoes

    Trump hires a drunk

    There were no drink driving regulations in the UK in 1930/40s. If there were he'd have been on his bike.