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  1. Sidvicious1

    How to correct P deficiency in cooked soil mix.

    Hey, I have cooked my soil mix for a month and a half or so and my ph is about 6.5ish but I am getting zero reading on my P test. I figure it for locked out somehow and I just needed to know the best way to fix it. I have Dr earth fish bone meal and steamed bone meal of needed. Here are some...
  2. Sidvicious1

    Help, bottom sets of leaves turning yellow.

    I wasn't sure if it was to close.. It didn't seem to burn them, that I could tell but I'll for sure back it off some.. now that I think about it greasemonkey, the one plant that I have that's in a little bit larger pot is the one that's doing the best so yeah. Jumping up pot sizes was going to...
  3. Sidvicious1

    Help, bottom sets of leaves turning yellow.

    Hey guys I could use a little help plants are bout 3weeks old and kinda slowing growth. the bottom sets of leaves are turning yellow and some have developed spots on the lower leaves that eventually take over the whole leaf and it has to be removed. I don't think I'm overwatering...
  4. Sidvicious1

    Cal mag+ in TLO..

    Sweet, that's exactly what I'm looking for. A ton of info about all aspects of the living organics grow style. The first set of leaves on about 3 of my plants have turned a little yellow. This one is the worst of them but could u tell me what u think of the browning of the leaf on this one...
  5. Sidvicious1

    Help a new living organics grower.

    Also a few plants have had the first set of lower leaves turn a little yellow an one has a brown spot on it. So u have any insight on what this spot might be from? Possibly overwaterd or burn from the light being close? My light was right at a foot, I backed it off a few more in..
  6. Sidvicious1

    Cal mag+ in TLO..

    Holy shiiiiiiitt!! Thanks for all the great advice! U answered probably 15 questions i had.. yeah, I got down to earth neem seed meal a few weeks ago and added some to my cooking mix.. oh yeah, I've read nothing but great things about it.. yeah from what I've been reading about TLO is that it...
  7. Sidvicious1

    Help a new living organics grower.

    There doing good now.. that's what it was, a combo of the light being a little to close and possible a little to much water..
  8. Sidvicious1

    Cal mag+ in TLO..

    Outstanding! thanks for the great info.. so u say omit the blood meal intirely? What would u suggest as a replacement nitrogen source? For top dressing and such? Also, when I started cooking my mix, u can see all the amendments I have that add calcium and mg, like the lime and osf, and gypsum...
  9. Sidvicious1

    Help a new living organics grower.

    I got ya.. we're def getting alot of rain down here this time of year so I don't think it will be to hard for me to collect enough rain water to take care of them.. i remember u said that u use ur dehumidifier water with the calmg+ so If I need to go that route I can.. did u get a chance to...
  10. Sidvicious1

    pH and nutrient problems in organic soil

    Also look into reading about coconut water for cal and mg. It's suposably great and adds other beneficial elements..
  11. Sidvicious1

    pH and nutrient problems in organic soil

    I'm also doing my first living organic grow so I'm new to everything as well. List the amendments uve added besides the promix and that will give people on here a better understanding of what's going on and they can maybe help u out there with the ph problem. Honestly there is tons of great...
  12. Sidvicious1

    Help a new living organics grower.

    So ur saying it is ok to use CaMg+ from general organics in small doses every watering or every other watering? When they get at least a month old that is. That's why I was also asking about the molassas, because it has 2% calcium and 2% magnesium. I have the grandmas unsulphered molassas...
  13. Sidvicious1

    Help a new living organics grower.

    I got ya, I saw where he said to mix a tablespoon with a gallon of water with but I believe he was talking about useing using it in cooking soil not when ur growing. My mistake. Also take a look at these pics. I'm not sure why they've been kind of droopy the past day n half. I havnt overwaterd...
  14. Sidvicious1

    Cal mag+ in TLO..

    And yes, I did add crushed oyster shell.. it's like pellet size pieces. I took a hammer to some to ground it down a little.. this is what my mix consist of.. TLO mix 1.5cf organic potting mix 1cf peat moss 1cf mixture of cow, chicken, rabbit manure and ewc also some composted leafs.. 1cf...
  15. Sidvicious1

    Cal mag+ in TLO..

    Hell yeah man, thank u for the plethora of great information... I'll for sure read up and try the coconut water.. oh yeah, i just sprouted a little over a week ago so I'm still in the sensitive seedling stage with just a few sets of leaves. Just useing bottled drinking water right now but wanted...
  16. Sidvicious1

    Cal mag+ in TLO..

    I used hydrated lime in the mix when I was cooking it.. I herd dolomite lime was better to use but it was after I already used it.. I just herd that a slow steady mild amour of cal mag was the way to go.. but after I got the calmag+ i herd that it wasn't good for to organics.. just pisses me...
  17. Sidvicious1

    Help a new living organics grower.

    So u use cal mag+ Also, is regular molassas ok to use when making tea or is blackstrap alot better? And do u mix molassas with ur water when watering sprouts? My sprouts are in a mix that's 2part organic soil mix, 1part cooked soil mix, 1 part ewc, 1part perlite.
  18. Sidvicious1

    Cal mag+ in TLO..

  19. Sidvicious1

    Cal mag+ in TLO..

    Hey guys, alright so I just started my first tlo grow indoors and I purchased som cal mag+ by general organics. Since then I've ready that cal mag+ is baaaad for any organics because it uses cheated salts.. my fault, I should have done more research on it but God damn! If ur selling somthing...
  20. Sidvicious1

    Help a new living organics grower.

    What's up man, I had a question pertaining to a post I sent a while back.. u said that u use About 6 dropes or so of calmag+ per gal of water to bump up ur ppm.. I ordered some and havnt having used it yet but I was reading son stuff by the rev and he was saying don't use val mag+ because it...