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  1. Carolina Dream'n

    Advanced Nutrients

    Not for long. Your state will blow up with new growers and will b flooded. You then will fall under the same laws of supply and demand that every other medical state is going through.
  2. Carolina Dream'n

    Advanced Nutrients

    Grower to patient and your charging 4000 a lb. that is not a compassionate price. You obviously do it for the money and not to actually help them, or you wouldn't tax the living shit out of them. Nothin wrong with doin it for the money, but not if your a medical grower.
  3. Carolina Dream'n

    Advanced Nutrients

    Only problem is you can't use humic in a recirculating hydro system. It has a chemical reaction with phosphoric acid and causes it to fall out if solution.
  4. Carolina Dream'n

    Advanced Nutrients

    That's 2008 prices. Your state just seems far behind. All I got to say, is you better start accepting that those will be your prices too, soon. Now I understand how u make 100k off 4 lights. You're a street dealer. I'm not down with that. Every single gram of mine goes to one person in one...
  5. Carolina Dream'n

    Paranoid buying online?

    That is only the case if amazon is the one facilitating the order. It will tell you on the page if it is or not.
  6. Carolina Dream'n

    Advanced Nutrients

    Got to give credit where it's due. The humic acid thing is true. I was skeptical an researched it. Needs to be a very high quality source of humic.
  7. Carolina Dream'n

    Advanced Nutrients

    4000 for a pound of medicine is a oxymoron. You are straight robbing your "patients". 250 an egg on wholesale. Lol. We sell singles for 200 here. I'm on the same coast as you, in a non medical or rec state. That is just pure greed.
  8. Carolina Dream'n

    Last time you got punched in the face?

    I still lived with my parents when this happened so I was probably 17 or 18. My mom was proud of me. She wanted to beat my ex ass too as I literally threw her ass out the back door. I was looked at like a woman beater to those who didn't know the situation. Especially when her dad and brother...
  9. Carolina Dream'n

    Last time you got punched in the face?

    My ex gf punched my in the face while I was sleep, woke up and she has a knife too.swinging it at my neck and face. To say I beat the bitches ass would be an understatement. A woman is no longer a woman when she has picked up a life threatening weapon.
  10. Carolina Dream'n

    Advanced Nutrients

    Is it the original Connie with the cigar and ash tray on front? Or the new one wit the dog. The original Connie was fucking amazing. Then they changed the recipe. Fucking morons.
  11. Carolina Dream'n

    Advanced Nutrients

    Lol. Connie can't be "measured with ppm". Where do u find this information?! Cause that so far from true it's ridiculous. Can't measure ppm..hahahaha people are about to rip you a new butthole for that one.
  12. Carolina Dream'n

    growing in a mobile home?

    Not a dealer, far from it. Not in a medical or legal state.
  13. Carolina Dream'n

    growing in a mobile home?

    I have ran 3600 watts in a trailer for 5 years. 24k mini split and 170 pint dehumidifer. Another 2 600s for veg, 12k mini split and 60 pint dehumidifer. Power bill is around 400. I rarely run heat or central ac though, washer and dryer never gets used,fridge and oven aren't even plugged in...
  14. Carolina Dream'n

    Advanced Nutrients

    That's because 8 ml per gallon isn't full strength. I have ran it at 10ml per gallon before with great results. 8ml Connie A/B, 4 Ml big bud and 1.5 ml ersa elixir comes out around 850 ppm. Roughly the same when trading out big bud for overdrive. Overdrive causes some crazy low ph swings if u...
  15. Carolina Dream'n

    Marijuana for Nausea.

    Their is alchohal as glycerin tincture. Alchohal is god awful in my opinion. To get good flavor, I soaked a full quart mason jar full of weed with vegitable glycerin. Let it set 30 days, strain with a cheesecloth and press. Decarb in a hot water bath around 240 degrees. You can do it faster...
  16. Carolina Dream'n

    Advanced Nutrients

    The shop I go to doesnt carry it anymore. But I called HTG (biggest piece of shit store I know) but only place by me that carries it. I talked to the owner and he said they get full refund. Takes forever to get it and you have to ride their ass to make it happen. And that is for one of the...
  17. Carolina Dream'n

    Advanced Nutrients

    Wait I'm confused, your saying dyna is too diluted at 16ml/gal while you use another one part at 20-25 ml/gal. And still have to add additives. No offense, I am not seeing your reasoning on that.
  18. Carolina Dream'n

    Advanced Nutrients

    I just called. You are right. They tell you to go back to the store. But they say that they refund the store. He said it is handled like any other RMA at any normal company.
  19. Carolina Dream'n

    Advanced Nutrients

    I ran 8 ml per gallon of connie an 4ml per gallon of big bud and overdrive. 1.5 ml of Ersa Elixir. That was my whole advanced lineup. I actually think their feeding schedule says twice that amount. 16ml base and 8ml additives. Which is crazy.
  20. Carolina Dream'n

    Advanced Nutrients

    If you were to run AN without additives, the dilution rates between Dyna and AN are actually pretty much the same. You have to take the fact that it's a complete one part into account. If you were to add the additives ml/gal of advanced too, advanced much more diluted. Because u have to use 8ml...