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  1. HookdOnChronics

    Show Me What You Got LST?

    I'd say it's most likely due to switching to a bloom nute to quickly after the 12/12 flop. After switching to 12/12 I still use a full strength veg nute. then the next time I do 1/4 bloom 3/4 veg, then next time 1/2 bloom 1/2 veg, then 3/4 bloom 1/4 veg, and finally FULL bloom and continue with...
  2. HookdOnChronics

    a pro at cloning?

    lol, so you think your a pro at cloning. Whoop-dii-doo.. That's cool and all... Now let's see some final product pix, or cloning means NOTHING!
  3. HookdOnChronics

    Show Me What You Got LST?

    Nice! She looks to be a little N hungry IMHO
  4. HookdOnChronics

    ** Chris' 3rd CFL Grow ** Blue Venom & Super Skunk & Super Lemon Haze If It Lives

    Hey man nice thing you got goin on here. I don't have time to go through 18 pages sowhat's your light setup like?
  5. HookdOnChronics

    Hookd On Chronics - The CFL closet genie

    Oh yea man! CFL's work well if you know how to use them! You just gotta do your research. lol, But I'm on to bigger and better things now! HID all the way for flowering! lol, I'd average about 40g's per plant, in a 3 plant setup with 312w of CFL lighting. I'm now waiting to see what I can yield...
  6. HookdOnChronics

    Club 600

    I'm not sure about your first questions... But to answer THIS ONE The answer is Yes Yes oh god please yes! :)
  7. HookdOnChronics

    First good looking plant in a while. Increase yeild? (Advice & Help Please)

    where are these pix bro? Been abouta week now...
  8. HookdOnChronics

    Hookd On Chronics - The CFL closet genie

    Yea man, that's exactly what I bought. Read a grow journal of a guy using the stuff and then only using reg water besides that on another site. And it looked pretty freakin good. I DO know what your sayin about the high N for flower tho. I was thinking/wondering the same thing, but I'm using the...
  9. HookdOnChronics

    Passthatsh!t23 2nd Grow

    Well, if I had to guess (key word, 'guess') I'd say, with no problems along the way, you COULD pull a couple oz's. How close do you keep your 400 from the tops? If you've got it air cooled, you can get it within 6inches of the tops. That'd make some dense ass nuggets! I'd say prob around 2 oz's...
  10. HookdOnChronics

    Hookd On Chronics - The CFL closet genie

    Well since I'm going to be chopping down before too long. I decided to toss some bagseed into flower. Figured, I've got the room, and will be harvesting here in about 2 weeks or so. Why not get a jump-start on the next batch. Also put a few girls from the bubble-cloner into dirt. All Purple...
  11. HookdOnChronics

    Passthatsh!t23 2nd Grow

    Hey lookin good bro! Way good! You really should just invest in a timer. Go to walmart and get a digital one for like $10-$12 it is WELL worth it! But make sure to go with a digital one! lol, the manual one's suck and I've had 3 break on me and they're only like $5 cheaper. So it's well worth...
  12. HookdOnChronics

    2 1/2 weeks flowering, seeds, why?

    My last harvest (128g's total dry weight) I found 1 single seed in 1 of the buds. Not fully formed, still white and hollow. Maybe you just barely BARELY stressed the plant enough to produce 1 seed..... lol, I dunno if that's even possible. To stress a plant into producing 1 single seed. But...
  13. HookdOnChronics

    GDP Flowering 9 Weeks

    you somehow stunted them at some point during flower? My only guess.... Pix?
  14. HookdOnChronics

    2 1/2 weeks flowering, seeds, why?

    doesn't matter if they don't look polinated or not. I don't understand your question. You have seeds growing in your buds. They obviously got polinated. What are you confused about? Your smokes gonna have seeds. That's that
  15. HookdOnChronics

    Noobish question about perlite

    Just bought myself a bag of earthgrow shit yesterday. I needed to do some transplanting. As soon as I got home and opened the bag, I IMIDATELY walked with it to the dumpster, and threw that bitch away! Hands down the WORST dirt I've ever seen! I'd rather go out into my back yard and dig up some...
  16. HookdOnChronics

    How I'd Grow if I Grew.

    Hell yea bra! You better hook it up with a link to the new journal! I wish I had a buddie willing to toss a 1000 my way! sheeiit!
  17. HookdOnChronics

    Show Me What You Got LST?

    I know what your sayin about the HPS makin her look that way. Just makin sure. She's beautiful none the less! And you know, If I were you, I would just give her 1 GOOD, final dose of a higher N nute (like a veg nute) at some point before to long. Just to help keep the leaves greener longer...
  18. HookdOnChronics

    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    At first I was scared to go full strength... But one strain I have eats a SHIT TONE and I can actually get away with using more than 2 tsp/gal. Just be careful, DON'T do it right away. Slowly work your way up to it. If you start to see burnt tips, ease off a bit. Here is that same plant with...
  19. HookdOnChronics

    Noobish question about perlite

    just wash the perlite out if it concerns you. THEN add it to your soil mix. But I've used it plenty of times no problems at all
  20. HookdOnChronics

    Hookd On Chronics - The CFL closet genie

    lol, Oh yea, that plant, BIG buds on her! lol, but no, I never topped her. lol, what I did was this plant's MOM was a actual bud that I cloned. And if you ever clone a bud, when it finally starts reverting back to veg some crazy and insane things start to happen. Just ridiculous branching all...