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  1. SnaFuu

    This a fricken hermi??

    Maybe instead of KillsPlants you could be ChangesGenderofPlants lolol jkjkbongsmilie
  2. SnaFuu

    Orange hairs going into week five!

    Ya those nanners are a shame tho
  3. SnaFuu

    Before harvest

    You should try an expensive flushing agent and let us know Also i hear a disco ball in the room for the last 36 hours does wonders. Make sure it's set to spin fast. This really helps the flush. Oh and then stick it in a toilet. That's the best way to flush. Heard all these rumours.bongsmilie
  4. SnaFuu

    First grow what will I yield?

    If you catch your mag def early... About two pounds
  5. SnaFuu

    Should I run my filter and outtake in veg??

    Maybe make 1 more thread and someone might answer
  6. SnaFuu

    Can't figure out what this is and it's killing my plants.

    Whatever you gotta tell yourself to sleep at night:wall:
  7. SnaFuu

    Buds too small why?

    More light
  8. SnaFuu


    He was just quoting an old movie called idiocracy. My same sentiment towards this thread.bongsmilie
  9. SnaFuu

    My marijuana plants are dying please help!

    I say just keep ignoring the problem.. It was working for the first 4 months..
  10. SnaFuu

    Hydroguard alternative

    Look into brewing AACT. Little more work, same result, fraction of the price.
  11. SnaFuu

    6 1000 watt lights

    At least a pound
  12. SnaFuu

    could this be from not enough water?

    Too much id say
  13. SnaFuu

    Help my plant is not growing and looks small and crapy

    More milk. Definitely needs more milk. Maybe some hot sauce.
  14. SnaFuu

    soil/coco grow several weeks in veg droopy light green leaves slight tip burn?

    Actually coco is notorious for holding salts and causing lockout. Watering inbetween feeds is almost mandatory.
  15. SnaFuu

    Bubbleponics with silent oxydator (h202) instead of airstone

    Oh ya. You just gonna stir it in to the stagnate water or whaa?
  16. SnaFuu

    ecoplus 100 submersible air pump question

    It should work, look into flooming
  17. SnaFuu

    bennies 'v' sterile 'v' nothing

    Cannabis was designed to be a weed... Look what we've done to it!
  18. SnaFuu

    Root rot? Obstructed pump
