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  1. pitbudz87

    Greenhouse Tx Winter Grow.

    lookin good man im a texan grower myself glad there are more and more of us popping up.
  2. pitbudz87

    Pitbudz87's 6 site dwc, 150watt hps, clone flower cabinet 150 hps 600 watts cfls.

    alright here is the vid i promised ya N6Cw3dGNS88
  3. pitbudz87

    How can i make Two colas instead of 1?

    no it wont man it will come out normal go ahead and top it at the 5th node, are you countin from the bottom up
  4. pitbudz87

    Pitbudz87's 6 site dwc, 150watt hps, clone flower cabinet 150 hps 600 watts cfls.

    alrught im going to do an update today the soure creame is showing preflowers under the fishtank in 24 7 light but i have no room under the hps i may switch the lights to 12 12 if i can find a timer jus to get em started but give me a minuit and ill be back with a video.
  5. pitbudz87

    4ft florecent tubes for grow?

    t 12s is about all you are going to find at lowes or walmart they will get the job done for mothers
  6. pitbudz87

    what is this problem???

    the water and your nutes jus flush the rez really good and use some hydrogen peroxide and see if that fixes it.
  7. pitbudz87

    Pitbudz87's 6 site dwc, 150watt hps, clone flower cabinet 150 hps 600 watts cfls.

    lol i hope im excited to make some hash this round and definatly ready to harvest i cut a small bud and smoked it wet eariler in tha day and got pretty stoned it tasted like ass but it got me high so o well i was gonna cut some and quick dry it but i looked and actually dident cut i was proud of...
  8. pitbudz87

    What will this seed do?

    lol i think im the only one who voted no lol not tryin to be negative it just dosent look like it will work to me but my hats off to ya if ya prove me wrong
  9. pitbudz87

    What will this seed do?

    i wuldnt hope too much its a really immature seed give it a go tho i never know what might happen
  10. pitbudz87

    Pitbudz87's 6 site dwc, 150watt hps, clone flower cabinet 150 hps 600 watts cfls.

    you are doing wonderful man and im definatly ready for harvest id much rather be watchin the wrangler national finals with a joint lol im thinkin about the 22 or 29th of this month im counting the days now lol
  11. pitbudz87

    Pitbudz87's 6 site dwc, 150watt hps, clone flower cabinet 150 hps 600 watts cfls.

    i get mine locally at a garder store they started carrying it upon my request and its abilitys for vegtables lol nd i was tired of deiving 3 hrs to get it lol u can order it as well look online for stores around you that mayu carrie it
  12. pitbudz87

    How can i make Two colas instead of 1?

    here is the thread i was talkin about it will show you both methods
  13. pitbudz87

    How can i make Two colas instead of 1?

    here is what you can do how tal is your plant if you have over 2 nodes at the very top of the plant at the newest growth cut it off its called topping and in turn the plant will grow two shoots or you can cut it in half to fim it fimming a plant is harder it gets you 4 colas tho fim stands for...
  14. pitbudz87

    the chitown sourkush thread

    thats sic poplars i want one how much did it cost ya
  15. pitbudz87

    First Outdoor Grow! Bagseed.

    np man ill be lookin for an update
  16. pitbudz87

    Growers Checklist

    hahaha nice checklist, man simmer down brotha; tommy said it will be ok in the mornin. Dont feed the fire or it grows ya feel me and thats not a jab at nyone im just sayin lol.
  17. pitbudz87

    First Outdoor Grow! Bagseed.

    ahhh thats no bueno man maybe nute burn id have to see pics to be sure
  18. pitbudz87

    Pitbudz87's 6 site dwc, 150watt hps, clone flower cabinet 150 hps 600 watts cfls.

    are you refering to the one under the fish tank? it got nute burned i added too much one time and im using fox farms ocen forrest soil and it has plenty of nutreints for em i jus got a little carried away and you are using miracle grow right? thats probably y your soil may be an extended feed...
  19. pitbudz87

    what is this problem???

    well what i use i jus get from walmart or pets mart for fish tanks to get the water stable for fish lol it works fine and that is how i test my ph as well i dont check it but about 3 times a week i dont get too much into it i know its a valuble variable but if it isnt broke im not going to fix...
  20. pitbudz87

    what is this problem???

    well there could be a number of reasons for one maby a salt build up do you add any hydrogen peroxide to your rez? try it i use the 3% stuff about 3 table spoons every three to four days for my roots im usin a 4 gallon rez. I want some info on your plant what kind of nutes are you using and...