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  1. cranker

    What Are You Listening To? Rock with a fiddle. I'll smoke to that.
  2. cranker


    me and my pup updated. Sexiness incarnate.
  3. cranker

    Clean Urine Storage and Transportation?

    I was 18 dammit. First thing, piss in the morning no matter what and drink a lot of fluids if you are expecting one. One thing I found effective (passed a high level drug test) is something like this. It's a good back up. The more fluids you...
  4. cranker

    favorite beer?

    Magic hat, any kind based on your preference. Vermont has been a great state for growing for years, they know how to make a beer to compliment it by God.
  5. cranker


    fuck my coffee preserver that cures my weed but rusts like a mother fucker
  6. cranker's me, you know.....wait...hahaha

    no stems no seeds no sticks....some of that real sticky icky icky
  7. cranker

    who is "the man"?

    basically, the guy growing is responsible, the guy who owns has plausible deniability of the action, but in all honesty, #2 and #3 are the most liable, frankly because #2 will blame #3 and the cops are really only looking to prosecute one guy, otherwise it's too much work. #2 could be charged...
  8. cranker

    Medical marijuana grow and probation

    Yeah if you are in colorado I wouldn't worry about it. Otherwise I don't think they'd have any grounds to search your place. I'd try to stash the crop at a friend's if you have harvested though just to be on the super safe side. You should be fine though.
  9. cranker


    They won't do shit. The only way they would is if they had you actually accepting the package on video which as long as I've been a mod has never happened. And even then you can pleed ignorance.
  10. cranker

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    jibba jabba
  11. cranker

    NGG ---RIU PartyCup Showdown Throwdown 2011**12/12 from seed

    Well the Fris Coffee Container has worked out perfect. I put in 2 zips of dried but 3 months ago, opened it last week, best cure I've ever (well I didn't do shit) done.
  12. cranker

    NGG ---RIU PartyCup Showdown Throwdown 2011**12/12 from seed

    My SAGE that was looking awesome somehow the lighting timer reversed itself and it totally fucked up the schedule and I missed 2 waterings because of it and it's in a lot of pain, but it looks like it'll finish. It's flowered and started budding out really well but I lost a lot of the fan...
  13. cranker

    Curing and Friis Container review

    Many of you saw my post about the Friis Coffee Container and setting it up side by side when I chopped a couple girls a few months ago. You can see the containers here . Now. I took a Blue Widow and put an ounce in the coffee container and an ounce in a jar, and an...
  14. cranker

    NGG ---RIU PartyCup Showdown Throwdown 2011**12/12 from seed

    My bitches. Bit of a rootlock plus my hps turned out to be a bust and had to send it back so they got no light for 2 days then the timer shitted out so they were on straight light for 2 days. Still lookin good though considering. :peace: The taller one hit about 4 1/2 feet but the hairs on...
  15. cranker

    Been around just been busy as hell

    Been around just been busy as hell
  16. cranker

    NGG ---RIU PartyCup Showdown Throwdown 2011**12/12 from seed

    I guess if you like piss yellow plants heh. I've been having some real life shit but my girl's wanted to say hi. So here's Bagseed and my SAGE that I topped. Slight case of CFL falling that dimmed a lower leaf or 2 but I'm pretty proud of them.
  17. cranker

    NGG ---RIU PartyCup Showdown Throwdown 2011**12/12 from seed

    no pics right now but my 2 I still got going, one is friggin 2 1/2 feet tall the other I've groomed out into a bushy bushy and they're doin' great
  18. cranker

    NGG ---RIU PartyCup Showdown Throwdown 2011**12/12 from seed

    I've gotten 3 freebies from 'tude, not one has germed. Just got 2 from herbies and not sure I want to even bother. I got an 8-ball kush (new barneys) but I'm not sure I want to crowd my grow area anymore. I do gotta say, everyone better stick around cuz this SAGE is gonna be a heartstopper...
  19. cranker

    NGG ---RIU PartyCup Showdown Throwdown 2011**12/12 from seed

    If there was an end date posted before hand.....I wouldn't have planted a 12 week flower. By the time a deadline was posted it was too late to swap out the seeds. Besides I'm sure harvesting 2 weeks early I'd still destroy you in weight. I'm carrying 5-6 colas on my sage and it hasn't had...