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  1. MoodyShoes

    Quick Question

    No. Hydro is an unnatural state for a plant and cannot be seen as organic. Regardless of the nutrients used, you are replacing the plant's natural ability to get what it needs to grow from soil....hence unnatural...hence not organic.
  2. MoodyShoes

    First crop pics

    Well done mate, that's great work for a first attempt.
  3. MoodyShoes

    Flower day 25 of first grow

    Count your flowering period from the first sign of the sex of the plant, i.e female preflowers (white pistils). This can take 7-10 days from the flip to 12/12, meaning you may only be on week 2 of flower now....under LED in week 2 these look alight. Have patience. You may want to look into...
  4. MoodyShoes


    ^^ what he said
  5. MoodyShoes

    Weird leaves growing from main cola

    Not necessarily, but you do have a higher chance of the plant going hermie on you.
  6. MoodyShoes

    The Importance of pH

    I've already added the crucial information. There's no need to state the patently obvious. This is a stupid (although perhaps ambiguous would be a better word) question which will only serve to confuse a new grower looking for a definitive answer as to the importance of using a PH meter. Picking...
  7. MoodyShoes

    The Importance of pH

    I think it's fairly obvious what i meant but thanks for the informative post. Any advice on how i should tie my shoelaces, or how to ride a bike? Maybe you can tell us all why it's important to wrap up warm in winter...
  8. MoodyShoes

    Weird leaves growing from main cola

    Good idea. I'd also suggest digital timers. I've got a few from China relatively inexpensively and they've never missed a beat. the ones with the dials and little clips you click up and down just look like a recipe for disaster to me.....knocking those dials with a plug and switching some of...
  9. MoodyShoes

    How Many Nodes Before Topping?

    They should have awards on this site, as with many others. 'Best Nug', 'Best Concentrates' etc. One award could be 'Assclown of the Month'....i know who i'd vote for.
  10. MoodyShoes

    How soon?

    2-3 weeks left i'd guess.
  11. MoodyShoes

    Weird leaves growing from main cola

    I think that's your problem mate, what you're essentially doing is the Gas Lantern Routine, which is a veg cycle that breaks up the lights off time to keep the plant in veg. The single most important thing for flower is 12 hours uninterrupted darkness. Someone with more experience with...
  12. MoodyShoes

    Weird leaves growing from main cola

    Weird leaves can be a sign a a re-vegging plant. Do you have any light issues....timers not being effective or any serious light leaks?
  13. MoodyShoes

    Seed is showing on the top?!?

    You need to feed it Red Bull when this happens. It's the only solution. Nah....just let nature do it's thing and leave it alone, it'll fall off eventually.
  14. MoodyShoes

    Any "1 plant per light" people here?

    I veg for 7 weeks and get between 8oz and 1lb per plant. There's a lot more to it than veg time though. Can't even imagine what a 2lb plant must be like to grow!
  15. MoodyShoes

    Ready for harvest or wait a week?

    When you think it's ready....wait a week.
  16. MoodyShoes

    Hydro guard??

    I've never used anything against root rot. I'm personally of the opinion that prevention is better than cure. I keep my res temps low and have two Hailea V60 air pumps for 5 res's....they bubble like crazy, but i've never had one single issue with root rot since i started DWC. Bud rot, now...
  17. MoodyShoes

    What's wrong with my plant?

    You're over watering her by the looks of things.
  18. MoodyShoes

    Cooling advice

    Invest in the correct kit to begin with or you'll just pay the same amount in the long run on electricity bills, or replacement fans for the shitty cheap ones which will inevitably break. Air con pulls a significant amount of electricity, and should really only be used as a last resort, not as...
  19. MoodyShoes

    The Importance of pH

    It's a stupid entirely depends upon the medium. Soil - unimportant, Hydro - important.
  20. MoodyShoes

    24hr dark before harvest?

    Just chop them at the end of the dark's been done by millions of people for years, there's no point trying to reinvent the wheel.