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  1. jonblaze420

    fuck my life fuck i am so mad bro BRO IM MAD

    Right on. Party time!
  2. jonblaze420

    Lace and Frills <3

    Why're you on your period? Lol j/k dude fuckin with you.
  3. jonblaze420

    fuck my life fuck i am so mad bro BRO IM MAD

    That's cool, I like that you're not jealous of him at all. You must have a new wife by now tho, hey?
  4. jonblaze420

    Lace and Frills <3

    Does he have to brew these drinks before arrival?
  5. jonblaze420

    Do i need a break from weed?

    Drink some hypnotiq and smoke less.
  6. jonblaze420

    Do i need a break from weed?

    If weed induces anxiety attacks in someone of course I wouldn't suggest they continue using it. Jesus.
  7. jonblaze420

    Lace and Frills <3

    Are you French Canadian? Why does he drink a lot and you smoke a lot? How about drinking and smoking equally?
  8. jonblaze420

    fuck my life fuck i am so mad bro BRO IM MAD

    I've never lived with a roomate for longer than a couple months either. And yeah, living with the woman you love and cherish sure beats looking out for your buddy.
  9. jonblaze420

    Lace and Frills <3

    You should have a mulattoe child, he might become President.
  10. jonblaze420

    Odd situation, seeking advice and input

    Where's OP
  11. jonblaze420

    fuck my life fuck i am so mad bro BRO IM MAD

    Will you get my stereo back when a crackhead steals it? Now that's a roomate.
  12. jonblaze420

    holy fucking crap I'm baked

    Hey I'm Jonblaze I carved my handle into a picnic table by your house.
  13. jonblaze420

    so i set up this deal with my son ...

    Yeah. Sometimes it's hard talking to parents even when they're totally down to earth all that jazz. I had a totally different upbringing it's hard to identify. Your son will probably go to Harvard huh? That's how these things happen.
  14. jonblaze420

    fuck my life fuck i am so mad bro BRO IM MAD

    See me being a decent human being, that pound of weed doesn't become mine until I've bartered for it so that all parties are happy.
  15. jonblaze420

    so i set up this deal with my son ...

    I believe FDD's son does not smoke cannabis since he is not of legal age to partake in a medical community yet. Was that PC?
  16. jonblaze420

    fuck my life fuck i am so mad bro BRO IM MAD

    If someone walks into my house with a pound of weed does it become mine when they enter my house? Lol that's funny
  17. jonblaze420

    so i set up this deal with my son ...

    In the kitchen tape/pencil drawer? Which one's that? Lol j/k
  18. jonblaze420

    so i set up this deal with my son ...

    Yeah I'd probably go to the mall and check out a movie and buy something at the mall and come back with 20 bucks, like my Dad expected me to, and end up with 40.
  19. jonblaze420

    so i set up this deal with my son ...

    FDD since your son is 16 and you say he has never smoked ganj, what age is he allowed to smoke? Or does he not want to? How about edibles? I'm quite curious. Like Matt Rize I myself raided friend's parents stashes around 15 or 16 to get a couple bowl packs heh.
  20. jonblaze420

    so i set up this deal with my son ...

    Haha Urca he never said he was 'teaching his son a lesson' where you got your whole 'argument' and irritability from. He set up a deal with his son. Like a good Dad would do. I'm actually very sorry your mom was too busy sucking down meth smoke and your dad's too busy sucking down whiskey to...