Search results

  1. NorthofEngland

    Trichomes...How Long From 1st Milky's to 1st Ambers???

    It's my first ever crop so I have no frame of reference from past experience. As of now the trichomes are 100% colourless and clear.
  2. NorthofEngland

    Crisis In Ukraine..News Bullletin!!!

    Over 'HALF' Ukraine.... Half of Ukrainians WANT Russian ties the other half want the same opportunities that Poland and the Baltics have found within the EU. This will not happen. The EU will break up if any more less developed nations are allowed entry in the next 15 years. And if TURKEY...
  3. NorthofEngland

    Crisis In Ukraine..News Bullletin!!!

    The western media is portraying the Ukrainian situation as one where 99% of the population are being oppressed by a small minority of Russians. NOT SO! My wife is an ethnic Russian Crimean Ukrainian and about half the country want to maintain their closest ties to Moscow. The North and West...
  4. NorthofEngland

    Trichomes...How Long From 1st Milky's to 1st Ambers???

    My plants are on DAY 62 of Flower (after 48 Days of Veg). For weeks now I've been checking the trichomes with a magnifier and they have remained colourless and clear (like splashes of spring water, frozen in space). I expect that, very soon, the trichomes will begin to turn milky (it's...
  5. NorthofEngland

    MAINLINING - Does It Add Weeks to Veg or Bud Cycles???

    MAINLINING - Does this growing technique require more time for the veg, the flower or both phases??? In about 3 weeks I will finally have some disposable income!!!! I am excited to anticipate a month of 'firsts'. First time buying seeds, first time growing seeds, and my first time...
  6. NorthofEngland

    The Main-Lining Thread

    why is this thread not a sticky????
  7. NorthofEngland

    Drooping leaves, caused by cold water??

    Any improvement ??? To elaborate on my earlier post I had just put rooting sponges into pots of clay pebbles - and was feeding from a reservoir with a pumped irrigation system (Atami Wilma 20). The roots were so small, at this point, that they could only get water that travelled VERY close to...
  8. NorthofEngland

    what is the highest CBD + THC strains you've grown?

    That's something that Vostok would've known....
  9. NorthofEngland

    Off Grid Solar. 1kW System could run....?

    I cannot RUN the system or I cannot calculate it on watts alone??? My assumptions are based on watts because the Solar Power Systems are rated by the kW and my appliances are rates, primarily, by watts. The amount of amps, volts or other units of measurement are unknown to me - But I...
  10. NorthofEngland

    Costa Rica, One heck of a surprise . . . ~

    Jealousy is the only reason that holds water. The guy is generous and interesting.... but his life seems so f'in idyllic! Living in paradise Growing weed and sea fishing..... Come to think of it I HATE HIM!
  11. NorthofEngland

    looking into Strains that help with Fatigue and help you feel energetic...

    "So you will take speed to stay awake and stop me from taking smack...?" Jeremy Irons and Jeremy Irons as twin gynaecologists Dead Ringers. How much longer are you expecting for the flowering times with these Sativas? Or have the breeders managed to perfect a Sat Dom with a similar grow...
  12. NorthofEngland

    Off Grid Solar. 1kW System could run....?

    I've been reading a little about off grid solar panel systems. I know they are available in 1kW, 2kW, 4kW.... but I don't know what a 1, 2 or 4kW system can power, constantly and consistently ??? I understand the concept of kWh's. I know that using a 1000w appliance for 1hour equals 1kWh...
  13. NorthofEngland

    Drooping leaves, caused by cold water??

    My young plants drooped, like those in your pictures, when they needed watering. It always amused me how quickly they would perk back up, once a little of the reservoir mix had been poured on the base of the stem.
  14. NorthofEngland

    Shasta County enacts OUTDOOR BAN

    First of all - CONGRATULATIONS CITIZENS OF SHASTIA COUNTY!!!!! It seems to me that the Board of Supervisors completely miscalculated their own power or, more likely, the expected apathy of local people. So the new rules do not come into effect and the old rules stay on the books.... Until...
  15. NorthofEngland

    How quick do the roots grow?

    I always understood 'established' to mean that a cutting or seedling had grown enough root material to become 'established'. I've not started any seeds, yet. But, with cuttings, when I see enough roots breaking through (the rooting cube) I start to leave open the propagator vents, then...
  16. NorthofEngland

    Origins ad Evolution of Cannabis.

    The few articles that I have read state that Marijuana most probably first evolved in the Himalayan areas of Nepal and India. I am curious to find out what this original species was??? Now the area is known for it's excellent Indica strains. But what kind of plant was it when it first...
  17. NorthofEngland

    Would you/do you own J Cervantes Bible?

    I used to have Ed Rosenthal's now I have Greg Green's 'Bible's'. They both excel in some areas but sadly lack information in others. Example - Green's book says virtually nothing about the acceptable EC/PPM levels for soil or hydro plants at ANY stage of their lives. Green's book also has lots...
  18. NorthofEngland

    Week 8 of Flower and the HUMIDITY is OFF THE SCALE!

    Cheers J, But I think most people can see the repeated patterns of the same small group of people derailing threads and attempting to ostracize particular individuals. I've had 5 PM's from 5 different people that all say the same things and point me at certain threads as confirmation...
  19. NorthofEngland

    Legalization - Will you keep growing?

    But it's more than that, isn't it. Most homebrewed alcohols end up costing more than the stuff available at the shop. But the joy of making ones own and the sense of achievement of a job well done.... There will always be people who want more than the convenience of availability.
  20. NorthofEngland

    Week 8 of Flower and the HUMIDITY is OFF THE SCALE!

    OK, then EXplain WHY the names CHEESE and DAWG are used? I don't mean on a semantics, philological level (because I'm quite certain you don't know what those words mean) but the genetics. Ironically, the Cheese dog thread created some real debate. But you'd have to understand the actual points...