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  1. laserbrn

    Disaster for me and my ladies!!

    Good advice given here. Scrap it. Clean it all and start over. Looks like you'll lose about 2 weeks. There's no way your plants are going to recover from this in 2 weeks. It'll be a battle if it can be done at all and even if you win, you'll be in a worse position than you will be in if you...
  2. laserbrn

    the seed sheel fell of during germination...wat do i do?

    I am confused as to what any of this means. Put the damn thing in the medium, get it wet and quite fuckin' around with it. What did you do, the paper towel method or the soaking it in a cup bullshit? Just put the seed in the medium, get it wet and make sure it's not cold. Boom, it'll sprout...
  3. laserbrn

    Laserbrn - DP White Widow

    This is for future reference and to answer any questions people may have because I always skimp on the details on my journal. So this sort of my simple guide to growing marijuana. I’m going to try to remember to include as many details as possible. Equipment: 4’x4’x7&#8217...
  4. laserbrn

    Laserbrn - DP White Widow

    Yeah. The post is rather large. I have included links and I'm working on timelines. I had to stop to watch Dexter...haha Homeland is next.
  5. laserbrn

    Laserbrn - DP White Widow

    [INDENT] 4x4x7 I'll run it down for you from the beginning including all of the details that I can remember as being important. It's a good excercise anyway and may stand as good information for someone else looking for it. I'm really high, watching football and feel like sharing. I will...
  6. laserbrn

    Do You Support The "Occupy"Protests?

    They are there becaues they believe everyone should have a house, but they shouldn't have to work for it, earn it, or protect it. They are there because as children they all got trophy's just for participating and they belief that's how the system COULD really work. Unfortunately this is real...
  7. laserbrn

    I'm extremely sexually frustrated!!!!

    Dude....who cares? Is your chick in jail or what? Seems like that's what this is about. Just bang someone else and make sure she doesn't find out about it. That's the reality of life. She'll know you did it anyway and if she's smart she'll never ask. If she's locked up you can do whatever...
  8. laserbrn

    Is a 1000w 2.5x hotter than a 400w?

    I'm going to guess you will get a lot more heat than 6.3 degrees from the 1kw. Get a dimmable ballast and make your life easier.
  9. laserbrn

    advanced grow q - burn or deficiency?

    Any pics of the whole plant? Nine weeks into flower I wouldn't worry about it too much. Looks like maybe a little nute burn, but I'm going to guess that your plants are pretty far along. I know those haze's can take a long while to flower, I'm not too familliar with other strains. Some of...
  10. laserbrn

    Is a 1000w 2.5x hotter than a 400w?

    That depends on you definition of "hot". Lets say that ambient temperature is 75 degrees. A 400w light may run at 100 degrees. 25 degrees above ambient. A 1000w light may run at 137.50 which is 67.5 degrees above ambient temperature. I made these numbers up, but you see what I'm getting...
  11. laserbrn

    How Are My Plants Doing And Opinions On My First Grow Room?

    That works. Man....that's buck wild. Are you going to have problems keeping it warm @ night?
  12. laserbrn

    Do You Support The "Occupy"Protests?

    Duke...take it easy man...There's a percentage of the population that is flat out delusional. They have found the internet and not surprisingly there are a few on the marijuana growing forum. There's nothing you'll be able to say or do. It's just the reality of it. If you saw them in real...
  13. laserbrn

    Do You Support The "Occupy"Protests?

    Held to a highers standard? You too have your perspective out of whack. Do a little morning research here and tell me the cops weren't threatened in this position. People have the right to protest, but there are laws, if you choose to break them in an act of civil disobedience and be...
  14. laserbrn

    Whole plant turning yellow and leaves turning brown and crispy (PICS)

    I used AN for a long time. They work fine, but so do the others and it doesn't cost nearly as much to get the others. The problem that I have with AN is that they are generally full of shit. They claim 20% larger yields on every product and they get rookie growers to buy into the claims...
  15. laserbrn

    My 1000W Grow room

    Or put a tent in that room and run the 1000w inside of the tent. Without sides and surrounding so much light is wasted and goes unused. Just seems so inefficient to put a light in a large room.
  16. laserbrn

    My 1000W Grow room

    My only criticism here would be the lack of a scrubber (regardless of how far away your neighbors live) and in that space, I'd ditch the light stand, hang them from the ceiling and in a room that size you should rock 2x600w's. You would get a substantially larger yield.
  17. laserbrn

    Do You Support The "Occupy"Protests?

    We will have to agree to disagree. Your warped perception clouds your judgement entirely too much to continue to discuss this matter further. The actions of these officers barely seems questionable, let alone outrageous.
  18. laserbrn

    1000w hps or 2 600s? comparison what yeilds more usually?

    The only argument I've ever heard against dimming the 1000w bulb is that it lowers the lifespan of the bulb. I change my bulb every grow so that's negligible to me. 600w and 1000w bulbs cost nearly the same so I'd be buying twice as many bulbs or changing every other grow, it just wouldnt'...
  19. laserbrn

    Do You Support The "Occupy"Protests?

    You are a little delusional. When a handful of officers are surrounded by hundreds or thousands of students that are particpating in blocking their actions it could VERY quickly turn very, very violent and could easily be a potentially hazardous position for the officers. I think anyone with...
  20. laserbrn

    Do You Support The "Occupy"Protests?

    You can't be serious? A large mob surrounds the police officers and demands the release of detainees and blocks their ability to leave? Seems like pepper spray was the humane way to go about it. That situation is very threatening to the officers, not a nonviolent protest.