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  1. Clonex

    Grow of purp

    Cats love mj leaf , the flea ridden furry little f****!! Take a shotgun to it , when i was younger i shot my neighbours cat through the neck with a pellet from my daystate air rifle for attacking my moms parrot , he survived too cause i remember he had a lamp shade on for a few weeks. My dog...
  2. Clonex

    1000w flower 600w veg 8 strains organic soil grow. lets see how this goes

    Could be related to the visible stress now , not saying it is but maybe, It looks healthy apart from that. Will answer pm when i get back to pc , on mobile the bloody box won't sit still when i zoom it . . .
  3. Clonex

    my first grow on veg+bloom

    You dont wanna know what i think, When i said confined area i meant just that , Closet , stealth type grows, Your talking to someone who hates big companies selling their commercial junk to the masses. You already changed products in the space of an hour. Hid is the only way for me , How come my...
  4. Clonex

    my first grow on veg+bloom

    I would need 5 of those , no chance. Small confined grows i have no doubt they are a good alternative, In a larger area coverage and penetration are an issue. Think about it , your a clever guy , why would they call it the penetrator unless ppl were concerned it was an issue. Spend your money...
  5. Clonex

    my first grow on veg+bloom

    You won't be the first to run that trial. I have not yet seen a grow that is not an advertisement for an led company, I hope and i really do that you prove me wrong. Your last sentence i will ignore , but i will say . . . . . . Are you serious ?
  6. Clonex

    1st grow 400 W air cooled. UPDATE

    Then you need to give them more water when you feed them or , get your temps down. You can not water everyday, later you will get issues. Have faith and do it umbre.
  7. Clonex

    my first grow on veg+bloom

    I didn't say anything was wrong with them , i worry about penetration and bud density, Its like taking a 50/50 chance with my hard earned money . . . Where have i heard that before ha ha Gimme that wax !!!!
  8. Clonex

    3rd Grow, 1st Legitimate One, Comments and suggestions Welcome

    The light is perfect for your clones. They dont need much. I never have had timers on my veg room they stay on 24/0, every now and again i will switch it off for a hour or so randomly, I will also add that my clones seem to root quicker if they are given 2-3 hours dark a day. Imo . Your plants...
  9. Clonex

    3 1/2 Month old plants.. Starting to give up?

    When you buy root riot cubes , they come in plastic tray holders, You need something to put their water in so they won't dry out, something like a cloner lid or seed tray.
  10. Clonex

    my first grow on veg+bloom

    Cheers Einstein , i believe he's covered 3rd base , If you have any other scientific breakthroughs be sure to let us in on it =)
  11. Clonex

    my first grow on veg+bloom

    I am not yet convinced by led's (this does not mean i want a 12 page ruck about it) Just giving Robert my opinion. Will answer your message when i get to my lap top mate, i can't do it on my phone , the reply box won't sit still!! Im calling him today so will get back to you.
  12. Clonex

    3rd Grow, 1st Legitimate One, Comments and suggestions Welcome

    I wish someone else would chirp up on this thread , many opinions are far better than just our 2 , lazy bastards just wanna look at pictures and cant be arsed to read 0.o I keep forgetting to press space on my pc as my phone does it auto haha have a look in here ...
  13. Clonex

    1000w flower 600w veg 8 strains organic soil grow. lets see how this goes

    Maybe just water from now on and see if it develops more of a deficency or rightens itself , at least this way you will know....
  14. Clonex

    Air Pot Exsperiment - Romulan vs Romulan

    Your welcome , Lets hope it goes well , so far so good =) your avatar is scary , you need a new hairdresser ....
  15. Clonex

    1000w flower 600w veg 8 strains organic soil grow. lets see how this goes

    If you have not grown it before , nothing out of the ordinary has occured then you have to start on the basis that it's strain related and a new feeding approach is required, it's deffo lacking something , rather than toxed out on something i would say, My call would be to do nothing for now but...
  16. Clonex

    1000w flower 600w veg 8 strains organic soil grow. lets see how this goes

    What's she been through then ? , it does not look serious Matt , done anything different than normal ? Even if the ph meter is out , it will only be 1 point either way so i wouldn't think it's that , is that one plant in the pics , do you have more of that strain ?
  17. Clonex

    stunted growth

    Of course , so long it aint dead it's useful.
  18. Clonex

    1000w flower 600w veg 8 strains organic soil grow. lets see how this goes

    <----- noticed this on i think page 5 , Umbre that looks yummy!!!!! Those paper ph things are shit , i noticed digital ph pens selling on E bay for under 10£ like 20$.
  19. Clonex

    Air Pot Exsperiment - Romulan vs Romulan

    If you want any beans it's no bother , hit my inbox , but they may take a while.....
  20. Clonex

    Air Pot Exsperiment - Romulan vs Romulan

    I find that if i get a day off (yeah right , nice dream) & i blaze before breakfast , i get shit loads done , last time , tunes went on , kicked everybody out , clipped the dogs nails , painted the front room and just flew through enough chores...... Gas tanker would have an answer for that ...