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  1. cranker

    I got my scope from amazon. They are pretty cheap actually. Here's the one I'm using and I...

    I got my scope from amazon. They are pretty cheap actually. Here's the one I'm using and I love it.
  2. cranker

    NGG ---RIU PartyCup Showdown Throwdown 2011**12/12 from seed

    If one of my sages goes male I'll probably keep it...not sure yet. It'd be something to think about.
  3. cranker

    NGG ---RIU PartyCup Showdown Throwdown 2011**12/12 from seed

    When you're working with plants that are 1-2+ weeks behind everyone else you do crazy things. I've never actually grown 12/12 or in a party cup. So I'm just making a mess anyway.
  4. cranker

    tour to the local cops of my garden.

    Just because they disagree with it doesn't mean they shouldn't enforce it. If you put that in their hands you put the entire legal system in their hands. Cops shouldn't have the power to decide what's right and what's wrong, that's for law makers. The fact that our lawmakers are dragging...
  5. cranker

    Legal caregiver go about in California???

    read this link
  6. cranker

    trace element q's!!!

    not really a level to look for. Just a lil bit. Hence trace.
  7. cranker

    Building Joints

    This injects them doesn't really roll them, I tend to not fill it to capacity. idk I haven't really noticed it being filtered that much. I do cut the filter way down though, sometimes even bore it out, use a clothes pin and make a lil hole. Just wondering if anyone had done similar. I'd...
  8. cranker

    BUDWORM, Harvest Now Or Risk Losing It All, Please Help

    Either way you guys should check up on water curing, to make sure you drown the fuckers
  9. cranker

    Cranker's Guide to using Pre-nuted Soil and not failing

    One thing I'm adding to the re-write is usually you don't need to use nutes during veg, maybe once or twice. The directions on the nutes are really for larger plants so they'll be ok without.
  10. cranker

    NGG ---RIU PartyCup Showdown Throwdown 2011**12/12 from seed

    Do like I do and do drastic things like FIMing the shit out of them or 4 topping.
  11. cranker

    Building Joints

    I quit making my own cigarettes when Obamass made it illegal to buy rolling tobacco online, so I had a bunch of tubes and the machine left over. Used a grinder and started using this to roll with and I gotta say, still gets you lit and it's pretty nice. I generally cut the filter down to...
  12. cranker

    Nirvana Northern Lights, medicinal?

    Serious White Russian, Samsara Spiritual Punk, and Bomb Seeds Medical Bomb #1. For Nirvana I'd look at Aurora Indica as a strong relaxing body buzz. But the Nirvana NL and Blue Mystic are both good for anxiety too. Anywhere you order from is gonna take a while, since it has to clear customs...
  13. cranker

    Miracle Grow Love It Or Hate It?

    Yeah that's the mix I use, if you look back a few I mix in MG Perlite and MG organic bonemeal to kinda lower the N levels and then get a little more flexability with my nutes.
  14. cranker

    NGG ---RIU PartyCup Showdown Throwdown 2011**12/12 from seed

    I just tend to kill plants in it somehow. No matter what I do I either over water or they dry out, so I'm sticking to jiffy pellets. It's completely my ineptitude but I just can't stand the stuff. :grin:
  15. cranker

    Miracle Grow Love It Or Hate It?

    This is what I use for gnats. I have a few and a few pitcher plants in the ole' grow room.
  16. cranker

    NGG ---RIU PartyCup Showdown Throwdown 2011**12/12 from seed

    Thanks, that's 30 minutes of me with a pair of micro tweezers and a digital microscope lol til I said fuck it and chopped the fan leaves with it. 100x magnification on the digi-scope I love that thing.
  17. cranker

    GH Exodus Cheese

    They have the most piney smell of anything I've ever grown, and that's after the first few days of curing...I'm waiting to see if it turns to a skunk smell or a cheese smell.
  18. cranker

    NGG ---RIU PartyCup Showdown Throwdown 2011**12/12 from seed

    FIM'ing one that small was a bitch, it's hard as hell to tell if I was too high or not, there's like 15 little leaf parts growing out of a cluster lol.