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  1. rollinbud

    Yikes - American's wealth down 40% with Obama

    Yeah lawyers are great leaders aren't they. You keep showing your ignorant ass, you are a pathetic loser.
  2. rollinbud

    Joan Rivers: ‘I hate Washington’

    Joan Rivers: ‘I hate Washington’ By: Patrick Gavin June 11, 2012 03:23 PM EDT Jon Lovitz earned rare media attention in April when he criticized President Barack Obama for wanting to increase taxes on the...
  3. rollinbud

    Rookie question

    likely from germination. Does it really matter, its not that exact a number anyway.
  4. rollinbud

    Public-employee pensions face a rollback in Calif.
  5. rollinbud

    Public-employee pensions face a rollback in Calif.

    How ignorant can you get?
  6. rollinbud

    Public-employee pensions face a rollback in Calif.

    By ELLIOT SPAGAT Associated Press The Associated Press Saturday, June 9, 2012 10:25 AM EDT SAN DIEGO (AP) — For years, companies have been chipping away at workers' pensions. Now, two California cities may help pave the way for governments to follow suit. Voters in San Diego and...
  7. rollinbud

    Oh no, it happened again...

    As usual it's obviously beyond your comprehension like so many things.
  8. rollinbud

    Oh no, it happened again...

    Why can't these knuckle dragging Liberals just accept 0bama for the true failure that he is? Are these die hard defenders some kind of neo-racists or what?
  9. rollinbud

    Oh no, it happened again...

    Awesome isn't it? Just typical Liberals brain fart, the solution to everything is more spending/borrowing when you are already drowning in a sea of debt.
  10. rollinbud

    The recall heard around the world

    Yea Buddy!
  11. rollinbud

    The recall heard around the world

    I watched the Wisconsin returns on MSNBC Tuesday night, and it came right down to the wire between "the Democrats were outspent 7-to-1" and "Republicans are stripping union rights!" As we go to press it's still too close to call. President Obama wanted to go to Wisconsin, but he just...
  12. rollinbud


    Do you really thing anyone gives a crap what you have to say... Funny I didnt see you whinning about copy/paster when your buddy copy/pasted an ignorant video... You arse clowns were high fiving and singing cum-bay-ah, Now go play in the street with the rest of the trash.
  13. rollinbud


    California pension cuts may have ripple effect By ELLIOT SPAGAT Associated Press The Associated Press Wednesday, June 6, 2012 8:15 PM EDT SAN DIEGO (AP) — Decisive victories for ballot proposals cutting retirement benefits for government workers in two of the largest cities in...
  14. rollinbud


    Wisconsin to unions: Drop dead Let’s be crystal clear on one point: There wouldn’t have been a recall election in Wisconsin yesterday if organized labor in the Badger State hadn’t lusted to overturn the results of the 2010 general election. And organized labor in the Badger State got stomped...
  15. rollinbud


    Read this elsewhere on the net: "Now I have some shocking news. Until my retirement in December of 2011, I was an IBEW union member for 34 years. I was also a union steward for the last 6 years. It’s not union membership that is the real problem. The union members are being used as...
  16. rollinbud

    Wisconsin Kicks Obama in the Teeth

    About time somebody stood up to the corrupt Union and Liberal campaign spending to push their crap on the poor taxpayers backs. I can't stop laughing.....
  17. rollinbud

    NY Times Explains Why Obama Sucks

    Weak Economy Points to Obama’s Constraints Poor Obama, even the NYT doesn't luv him anymore. Apparently all he knows how to do is spend and he's isn;t very good at that!
  18. rollinbud

    NY Times Explains Why Obama Sucks

    How true..
  19. rollinbud

    Can't keep 4x4x7 room cool (without AC)

    85 Temp. is fine. If I read you right you are only using your fans to suck air through your cool tube? Maybe you need an intake and exhaust on your tent, or at least a fan pushing cool air into the tent.
  20. rollinbud

    CFL grow box 97% completed :)

    Nice, I bet your ready. What kind of yield you think you will get? I usually get anywhere from 20-33g yield from single plants with CFL.