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  1. rollinbud

    want to spend money right, the first time

    Maybe in the U.K., not in the U.S.
  2. rollinbud

    Do I use paint or Mylar

    Mylars fine, don't believe all your read. If you had it some people's way you'd have your grow room chromed for chrissake... Either go to Walmart or if your not in a rush use ebay and get some emergency blankets and save your bud for good seeds.
  3. rollinbud

    Help Leaf ends yellow curling up help needed

    Nut burn
  4. rollinbud

    Quit Trashing Obama’s Accomplishments

    Lol so you think all that was some fox news fabrication do you now....
  5. rollinbud

    Quit Trashing Obama’s Accomplishments

    An impressive list of accomplishments: First President to apply for college aid as a foreign student, then deny he was a foreigner. First President to have a social security number from a state he has never lived in. First President to preside over a cut to the...
  6. rollinbud

    Supreme Court casts doubt on Obama’s immigration law claim

    Supreme Court justices took a dim view of the Obama administration's claim that it can stop Arizona from enforcing immigration laws, telling government lawyers during oral argument Wednesday that the state appears to want to push federal officials, not conflict with them. The court was...
  7. rollinbud

    Romney doing the job republican establishment just won't do

    Lol Liberalism: The Incurable Disease? I am not a doctor but let me play one for you here in the pixels of this article. My diagnosis is simply a confirmation of what many have suspected. Liberalism is a deadly cancer. Those who suffer from its effects show no signs of common sense. This...
  8. rollinbud

    Romney doing the job republican establishment just won't do

    ROMNEY DOING THE JOB REPUBLICAN ESTABLISHMENT JUST WON'T DO April 25, 2012 The actual Republican Establishment –- political consultants, The Wall Street Journal, corporate America, former Bush advisers and television pundits -- are exhorting Mitt Romney to flip-flop on his very...
  9. rollinbud

    I'm sorry Arizona but WTF is wrong with you???

    If Obama was doing his job and enforcing the laws on the books there wouldn't be an immigration problem.... As far as abortion goes, they didn't go far enough, there should be retroactive abortions so you could terminate a kid after they turned out to be a dud.
  10. rollinbud

    I'm sorry Arizona but WTF is wrong with you???

    Yes making a point, Mexicans aren't a minority in AZ.....
  11. rollinbud

    I'm sorry Arizona but WTF is wrong with you???

    "I think it was in Arizona too where they can pick out minorities and check if they're legal or not. " You mean their checking the honkies?
  12. rollinbud

    Private Messages

    My settings have none of that, RIU disabled it. Im contacting them.
  13. rollinbud

    Hps vs cfl

    "I'm assuming hps will be better right?" I wouldn't assume that, why don;t you let us know how it compares after you try it?
  14. rollinbud

    Why can I no longer send PM's?

    Why can I no longer send PM's?
  15. rollinbud

    Private Messages

    All of a sudden I can no longer send PM's, is there a reason for this? I have made no changes.
  16. rollinbud

    A couple of questions on T5 lighting

    I use all 2700-3000k bulbs for flower. You didnt't say if regular T5 or T5Ho... The people on this threadL use all sort of mixed bulbs for flowering, check it out it will make your head spin.
  17. rollinbud

    cfl soil grow

    Cant tell how big the pots are, u want at least 3-3,5 gallon pots. U seem to have some seedlings too. How u gonna seaparate to flower or u gonna flip all at once? Wont be long for older plants, week or 3
  18. rollinbud

    Harvested plants and need help

    Whatever you decide to do, dont seal them up for extended periods if still damp, u dont want mold. I'm no expert on curing but I did sleep in Holiday Inn Express once....and Motel 6 Happy 420
  19. rollinbud

    Negroes with guns

    Liberals have leapt on the shooting death of Trayvon Martin in Florida to push for the repeal of "stand your ground" laws and to demand tighter gun control. (MSNBC'S Karen Finney blamed "the same people who stymied gun regulation at every point.") This would be like demanding more funding for...
  20. rollinbud

    Help identifying bug please

    My closest guess is an asp, but they are bigger than what you describe. I thought maybe some kind of gall, but these move... Im stummped so far.