Depends on the person.. I use just plain tap water and have 100% success rate.. I know others put this and that into their cloners.. All depends what you wanna do...
The first round picks should be easy.. The magic which the lions don't have are finding gems in late rounds.... Here's to hoping they get it right this year....
what kind of nutes? When you introduce fresh buckets do you first add tea then wait 24 hours til adding nutes? Then wait another 24 hours to ph... Tell us your routine.. How long did you let tea brew b4 using? What Did you use for tea?
Seems like the lions are in the same spot they're always in.. Multiple position needs on both sides of the ball... Will they ever get a good secondary? O-Line? 2nd WR?
Optimal usually yes... But I'm pretty sure Heisenberg sad the tea likes 72-75.... I wanna have everything perfect. lol Been a while since I've seen roots and growth like I'm seeing now..