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  1. $bkbbudz$

    Teaching an old hippie new tricks...

    OMG!!!! We ALMOST forgot the ultimate pot head classic!!!
  2. $bkbbudz$

    Teaching an old hippie new tricks...

    That's cool...I like this better!
  3. $bkbbudz$

    Teaching an old hippie new tricks...

    I had this poster on my bedroom wall...
  4. $bkbbudz$

    Teaching an old hippie new tricks...

    Well...let's not forget this classic...
  5. $bkbbudz$

    Teaching an old hippie new tricks...

    I saw Cheech and Chong 'Up in smoke' 1st run at the drive-in! I went to 6 Grateful Dead shows and never saw the Dead perform, got stuck or passed out in the parking lot! I remember when you could get a 'cut-out' 45 record of the Brady Kids and The Archies on the back of Honey comb cereal.
  6. $bkbbudz$

    Teaching an old hippie new tricks...

    LOL!!!!...remember this one??
  7. $bkbbudz$

    just a look

  8. $bkbbudz$

    Teaching an old hippie new tricks...

    Dr. Hook??? Awesome!!!! I got a freaky ole lady name a cocaine Katy Who embroideries on my jeans I got my poor ole grey haired daddy Drivin' my limousine Now it's all designed to blow our minds But our minds won't really be blown Like the blow that'll gitcha when you get your picture On the...
  9. $bkbbudz$

    Teaching an old hippie new tricks...

    My first was one of these... Ahhh memories of my GF in my Junior year in H.S. Stefanie...MMMMM....oh, the positions you can get a 17 year old into in one of these babies...Where's my Viagra???
  10. $bkbbudz$

    Teaching an old hippie new tricks...

    Actually I was looking at the K-vape 2.0...found it on ebay for $79.00 w/ free shipping. I think I am going to go that way.
  11. $bkbbudz$

    Topping after Flowering stage?

    Just to get this straight...all you are concerned about is getting them from point A to point have 2 plants that you just began flowering...and you are worried about transporting 2 plants in full flower, which they will be by July 1st...right? How far away are you moving? If it is not...
  12. $bkbbudz$

    Teaching an old hippie new tricks...

    Mp3??? Shit my first car had one of these things....
  13. $bkbbudz$

    Teaching an old hippie new tricks...

    Shit...these whipper snappers are to concerned with bubble this and extract that...Hell...until you make a pipe out of a toilet paper roll and some ain't lived! LOL!!!!!
  14. $bkbbudz$

    Teaching an old hippie new tricks...

    Not at all, but we are getting pretty scarce. I think it has something to do with our technological maturity stopping when we became stoners. Which in my case was not only was pre-'PONG' as well...Hell, I have just had this PC a year. My last computer was a Commodore Vic...and...
  15. $bkbbudz$

    Can't tell if female or male

    Sorry for your loss... themz would be ballz
  16. $bkbbudz$

    Outdoor first grow in pots (help)

    Geeze and in Wal-Mart who is gonna see you anyway?...if you ask a store manager where the milk is he/she will look at you like a deer in the headlights and tell you that they will find an associate that works in that think they will have any fucking clue as to where to find a...
  17. $bkbbudz$

    Outdoor first grow in pots (help)

    Hold on...the Mother Land of naked news would be less tolerant of letting it all hang out then us prudish folks to the south of you? Who you kiddin??? LOL!!
  18. $bkbbudz$

    Outdoor first grow in pots (help)

  19. $bkbbudz$

    Should I do it

    More info please? What is the medium to start with? And when you say 'dirt' what do you mean?? A product specifically made for plant growing or some backyard shit you plan to shovel into a bucket?