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  1. G

    Ak 47 auto

    I am not able to buy these nutritients cuz there is no shop nearby. I took some closer picture.
  2. G

    Ak 47 auto

    I feed every two days with nutritions
  3. G

    Ak 47 auto

    It was fimmed. A started under 150w hps and 3 weeks ago changed to led. Should it be the problem? Or what? I am so confused :(
  4. G

    Ak 47 auto

    Cactus nutrition 2-6,3-6,3
  5. G

    Ak 47 auto

    Is it enough or needed nearer?
  6. G

    Ak 47 auto

    hi all! I need some help. My plants are (ak 47 auto) almost 70 days old and the flowering is very slow. It is still getting taller. Under 300w led Lights 20/4 Thank you!
  7. G

    Need help first grow!

    Hi all! I need some help. I have an Ak47 autoflower and it is almost 70 days old and the flowering is very slow. I grow under 300watt Led. What is the problem?