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  1. Erysichthon

    Help with a mother plant ive borrowed.

    bump, anyone else have any input?
  2. Erysichthon

    Help with a mother plant ive borrowed.

    not slowing down at all really. thanks for the reply about the HID, that could be it, im gonna stick it in my flower room for at least 12 hours a day from here on, move it back into veg room when lights go out. running 600w hps in there. maybe that will slow it down if thats the cause. its...
  3. Erysichthon

    FIMing VS. Topping

    i prefer fimming. but it is trickier.. i recently started fimming my clones, this is even trickier as they are growing alternating nodes. but once i found the sweet spot to cut it was all good. topping is much simpler, so its really what ever you want to do
  4. Erysichthon

    Difficiency Problem With Pics

    im not sure as to what it is, but a flush sure couldnt hurt. flush it and keep an eye on new growth to see if it keeps going or no. nute burn is my guess
  5. Erysichthon

    Help with a mother plant ive borrowed.

    oh and the other isnt really showing any bad signs yet
  6. Erysichthon

    Help with a mother plant ive borrowed.

    yes, think that could have something to do with it?
  7. Erysichthon

    Help with a mother plant ive borrowed.

    Ok, it is getting worse. got a few more pics of it. i think im going to flush it as soon as it dries out again. could still use some more opinions +rep for any proper help
  8. Erysichthon

    Can ants harm my plant?

    well the molasses did the deed. when i checked it today there were no more ants. just figured i would update
  9. Erysichthon

    Please Please PLEASE look at this plant!!!

    looks nice my friend. i have a strain that gets purple in low temps as well. mine is indica though.
  10. Erysichthon

    Can ants harm my plant?

    thanks for all the replies. i didnt really expect this many over ants. so the general idea is that they wont hurt much. these are just your average tiny red ants, not fire ants or any special kind. im going to try to run em out with molasses even if they are harmless, i just dont trust em in...
  11. Erysichthon

    Help with a mother plant ive borrowed.

    yeah it was nice getting to keep these 2 a while, till it started getting problems. anyone else got any opinons?
  12. Erysichthon

    snaped :(

    as long as it didnt sever it completely it may heal. this is a VERY resilient plant
  13. Erysichthon

    Help with a mother plant ive borrowed.

    ok after flying solo for over a year, i have got to know a couple other growers in my area, one is family the other may as well be. I have 2 mothers visiting in my veg room, one is bubblegum, the other i was told is a strain called big leaf, although ive never heard of it. ive had these for a...
  14. Erysichthon

    Just harvested....confused

    those banana sacs are tricky to find. they usually come up at the very bottom of a bud, lower leaves usually hide them. ive dealt with 3 hermis and all 3 have popped male flowers in the same general area. are you sure there were no light leaks into your room?
  15. Erysichthon

    Can ants harm my plant?

    i have on plant outside, it went hermi with about 4 weeks left to finish and i figured i would finish it outside away from my indoor crop. it is in a 2 gal pot and ants have made their new home in it. will they destroy my roots or anything? if so whats the best method of running them out of...
  16. Erysichthon

    3 pronged fan leaf.

    there is nothing wrong with 3 finger leaves, the bubblegum mother i have have, is well over 2 months old and the majority of its fan leaves are only 3 fingered
  17. Erysichthon

    So I got a call from the DEA...

    what a happy ending. quite suprising but happy
  18. Erysichthon

    Is a Nitrogen Deficiency in Flowering Normal?

    i second stoneshield, i have been working on converting my one room grow into a 2 room rolling grow. ive been kinda slacking on nutes as i was worried i was burning my girls, ive been bringing one per week into flower, and ive been watching the differences in the leave's colors as it does the...
  19. Erysichthon

    need help with ph

    looks a bit burnt from overwatering the MG soil to me. ease off on the watering and drop your ph to 6.5, thats a proper soil ph