Search results

  1. Lpindicaman

    NL#5 wow better than I thought

    NL#5 wow better than I thought
  2. Lpindicaman

    Rockstar kush

    Anyone try this
  3. Lpindicaman

    Purple candy kinda day

    Purple candy kinda day
  4. Lpindicaman

    Couch locked

    Couch locked
  5. Lpindicaman


    Anyone out there ever try rockstar strain ?if so can u let me know what yield is like
  6. Lpindicaman


    Thx a lot I'll jus keep them under a flourecent like I was jus thought givin them better light for abit would b better like 12 hours under 1000 watt hps and 12 under flourecent but thx again appreciated greatly
  7. Lpindicaman

    Looking for nice strains to scrog.

    Rockstar-bonguru seeds Bc God bud -bc bud depot
  8. Lpindicaman


    Ok kool thx man appreciate it can seedlings pollinate flowering plants ?
  9. Lpindicaman

    Everything MMA Thread

    Gsp is best pound for pound fighter in world I think he will b back for his belt watch and the spider silva will be back with vengeance watch but go gsp
  10. Lpindicaman


    Can I put seedlings in my flowering room or can they be pollinated if they happen to be male ?im a novice grower and could really use some info thx
  11. Lpindicaman

    Rockstarstrain is crazy good

    Rockstarstrain is crazy good
  12. Lpindicaman

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey how's it goin I'm new here joined today Lpindicaman from Canada by no means am I a pro I know a bit and I would like to get tips and info from experienced growers thx guys n gals
  13. Lpindicaman

    Any NHL fans in here?

    I'm huge hockey fan go rangers baby
  14. Lpindicaman

