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  1. Heads Up

    So who is the GOP nominee that is going to take back the White House for republicans?

    It's obvious the base of the republican party does not want Romney as their nominee, it's also becoming painfully clear the powers that be in the GOP do not want Gingrich as their nominee. One or the other is going to be the nominee. With a lukewarm candidate just like Senator McCain was last...
  2. Heads Up

    Club 600

    It's my birthday next month mr west, I'll have twenty years on ya'. Still no true leaves from the one romulan. Edit...pardon my bad manners. Happy birthday westy. Hope ya' have a lot more of them, dad.
  3. Heads Up

    Club 600

    I also have a food saver system and they work great. Just make sure you have someone else handle the bud and don't let them touch the bag, just drop the weed into the open bag so the person handling the sealing doesn't have any thc on their hands to transfer to the bag. I double seal mine for...
  4. Heads Up

    Club 600

    This is a new one for me. My one romulan, the oldest by a day has no true leaves, the other two seedlings are both throwing out their first set of true leaves but the one romulan still only has its coty leaves, weird.
  5. Heads Up

    Club 600

    I'm happy to report that both of my Romulan 3's and the one c4/caseyband that germed have entered into life and my other c4/caseyband is starting to pop a tap root and hopefully will be in a peat pellet tomorrow. I started them in peat pellets that are sitting in a starter soil mix in party cups...
  6. Heads Up

    Club 600

    I've been using Scott's premium potting soil for about two years, no complaints. As for ph'ing. My water tends to be about or above eight, if I didn't ph my water I can't imagine what my grows would look like. Different nutes will affect you ph in different ways, some will raise your ph and some...
  7. Heads Up

    Club 600

    The ExHale co2 bags. Don't really know if my co2 is helping or not. First off I have only one bag in a 9'x10' room that isn't exactly sealed with fans and an air conditioner running, yes I'm running my air at the end of january. It's been almost summer here again with highs around eighty. I just...
  8. Heads Up

    Club 600

    Sunnyboy, thanks again. I'm reading the blueberry patch website and me and my lady are definitely going, just need to see when cause I want to catch some music when we do go. Anyway while I'm reading I come across this little gem, it's the owner/creators response to why share? I think anyone in...
  9. Heads Up

    Club 600

    Monday will be the end of week eight of 12/12 for the shackzilla and the og18, both are looking almost finished already but I'm going to let them both go for nine weeks before chopping the og18 and depending on how she looks might let the shackzilla go ten. Although I screwed up my perpetual...
  10. Heads Up

    Club 600

    Funny thing underdog, I got this email just yesterday from rogue hydroponics... I just wanted to let you know that someone gave your name as a referral. We gave you a store credit of $2.34. Keep up the good work! So whoever ordered something from rogue hydroponics, thanks, as you can see...
  11. Heads Up

    Club 600

    I'm looking at sixty eight now and going to seventy one, my year of graduation...if I would have graduated. On a happier note, twenty five years after being out of high school I walked into a GED test with no preparation and passed with no problem.
  12. Heads Up

    Club 600

    Sunny, I'm halfway through the video, thank you, thank you, thank you. Looks like me and my lady have a day trip ahead of us. It looks like the place my mind saw when I was sixteen and full of peace and love and goodwill towards your fellow man. Thanks for the heads up about the blueberry patch...
  13. Heads Up

    Club 600

    Actinic lamps for salt water application and oddly enough a blue actinic gives off most of its light right at 480nm, exactly the wavelength our plants need to veg, however since the wavelength is so narrow it's not good to use all actinic lamps in the same range, a broader spectrum is needed. I...
  14. Heads Up

    The state of the GOP

    I say the GOP needs a candidate like Newt, someone that in a general way can focus their hatred, someone who leaves the audience on their feet cheering for the blood of the democrats. It seems to me the republican party has become the party of hatred. They hate gays and lesbians, they hate...
  15. Heads Up

    The state of the GOP

    Thank you everyone for participating. I have to admit, I still don't understand the GOP. Other than replacing President Obama and making him a one term president, what is their platform? Mr. Romney's idea of increasing taxes on those making twenty thousand and under by sixty percent while giving...
  16. Heads Up

    Club 600

    Jig, you can't find it on toke and talk cause I posted it in politics. Someone must have given you bad info on where it's located. I say hang the bum high for his error. Edit...the thread is called 'the state of the GOP'.
  17. Heads Up

    Club 600

    Awakened this fine morning feeling good and looking forward to another lovely winter day in florida. I feel even better now. I'm sure I have mentioned I'm a bit of a political junkie, go 99%, I'm with ya', I am you. Anyway I stopped over to toke and talk to offer some thoughts and maybe get a...
  18. Heads Up

    The state of the GOP

    Let me be clear from the get-go, I am an independent, former democrat that left the party when Clinton signed NAFTA. I thought Clinton was a fantastic president, a slut, but a fantastic president and when he signed NAFTA, he fucked democrats. I felt my party had abandoned me so I left and became...
  19. Heads Up

    Club 600

    Speaking of subcool, has anyone grown vortex?
  20. Heads Up

    Club 600

    Method, I wouldn't breed feminized seeds. Don't recall the specific reason but I've read something about pollinating a feminized seed screws with the genes. I grow with mostly feminized seeds only because I don't want to spend the time or money which is in short supply for all the materials...