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  1. tripleD

    White Rhino

    Thanks 4 the info brutha!
  2. tripleD

    White Rhino

    I only grow autos, so hopefully I’ll find it...
  3. tripleD

    White Rhino

    I knooooow!! That shits da Mack!! I just tried it last nite & now I wanna grow it in an auto....
  4. tripleD

    White Rhino

    Who has the White Rhino auto??
  5. tripleD

    N Burn?

    I had to go out of town so I increased the feed a little & Since I wasn’t here to turn the heat up & down I decided w the cold weather just to leave it on the night time setting, & when I got back this is what I found. I think my plant has Nitrogen burn and plan on just feeding her water for the...
  6. tripleD

    Wtf is going on here?

    I Just prewater the soil a day or 2 before planting and then I plant directly into a 5gal pot. A day or 2 later once it pops the surface I feed it a shot glass of water a day for a few days and then I feed it a gallon every few days as
  7. tripleD

    first attempt at an auto, no idea whats going on.

    I've been growing AK48's and Blue Mystics and experimenting with different light schedules, nutes, and other things, but now I'm ready to try a different strain.......any recommendations???
  8. tripleD

    Wtf is going on here?

    I've bn growing Autos exclusively for a couple of years now, and I've probably made every mistake possible, and I learned awhile back that while most posters on here genuinely want to help, there are a few maggots that just want to spew their NEGATIVE BS so they can feel better about themselves...
  9. tripleD

    Autoflowers indoor - It really is that simple

    I used FF Tiger Bloom, Grow Big, and Big Bloom last year, but I'm experimenting with Gen Organics Go Box now. I think I might try the flora 3 part next time...
  10. tripleD

    Autoflowers indoor - It really is that simple

    What do u mean by bloom, micro, grow & reverse for flower??
  11. tripleD

    Autoflowers indoor - It really is that simple

    I started out 18/6, then I tried 24/7, and now I'm going with 20/4 and that seems to be the sweet spot for my AK48's and Blue Mystics. I was using Tiger bloom, big Bloom, and Grow Big, with really good results, but I'm experimenting w General Organics Go Box for a few grows now to see if I can...
  12. tripleD

    A perfect cure every time

    Yea, I use the Boveda 62% humidity packs. I love growing, but I'm not a big smoker, so I give a lot away, but I just wish I cld find away to store it inexpensively for about 1.5yrs instead of only 8-10 months...
  13. tripleD

    A perfect cure every time

    I store in mason jars, but after about 10 months I throw away whatever is left. It eventually turns brown and it tends to give me a lil headache at that point....Does this sound about right or should I be able to store it longer than this??
  14. tripleD

    A perfect cure every time

    How long have you stored before throwing away?
  15. tripleD

    Organic Feeding 101.

    I own a WildLife & Pest Control business, and you can't really tell by the markings, just like you can't differentiate between an Africanized "killer" bee from a regular European bee just by looking. The Asian Beetle and the North American LadyBug have produced hybrids over the past 30 yrs, so...
  16. tripleD

    LED Companies w/ LINKS

  17. tripleD

    I Blue Mystic is really Blue(Sad) WHY????

    Yea, I know, none of it really makes any sense too me.... if I had them in different pots, or under different lights, or different feed, but being how everything was exactly the same, that was all I could really come with. These 2 plants were literally identical in every way, including their fkn...
  18. tripleD

    I Blue Mystic is really Blue(Sad) WHY????

    Ok, but why would one have a moisture issue and not the other one? I also have a 3rd plant in there that's a Swiss Chz and I feed all 3 the same and only one got sick? I just don't see how that cld be it, especially as adult plants 2.5 weeks into flower. Just seems to me that if this was the...
  19. tripleD

    I Blue Mystic is really Blue(Sad) WHY????

    She's doing fine now, but I just wish I knew for sure what happened so I could try to avoid it happening again...
  20. tripleD

    I Blue Mystic is really Blue(Sad) WHY????

    Since it happened about 8 hours after a feeding, and it only affected one plant for about a day and a half, I think that maybe after I fed the first one maybe I let some of the nutes settle to the bottom and then when I refilled the container and added nutes for the other plant she got more of a...