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  1. fatalack

    What kind of air cooled hood reflector is better.

    Anyone else using this kind or any other kind ?:leaf::leaf:
  2. fatalack

    What kind of air cooled hood reflector is better.

    Good god thats looks like it works great. That is exactly the kind of system I want to go to. I am currently growing with a 400w cant wait to go to the 600w:lol::lol: THANKS MAN!!
  3. fatalack

    What kind of air cooled hood reflector is better.

    O yea I am using a 600 Watt light with the air cooled hood
  4. fatalack

    What kind of air cooled hood reflector is better.

    I am getting ready to switch up my lighting system. And I am about to buy an air cooled hood what kind is best? So far I am between these two. First we have the regular cool tube Then we have the inclosed box style Wich offers the best results? Anyone and everyone?
  5. fatalack

    Time to Start Again

    Whats up Catfish:leaf: Yes these are the plants that I had in veg. I got six good looking girls in there.( Royal flush,New York power diesel,Bermeise kush,Sage N sour,Jack Herer, Super lemon haze)
  6. fatalack

    Pest attack

    Hey man if you can move your'e plant outside. Or if your'e plant is already outside. And if your'e plant is not in late flowering or with heavy with buds. (you could damage your'e plant by breaking limbs or causing mold) This is what I have realized to work the best for me. Take your garden...
  7. fatalack

    Time to Start Again

    I have been working on my new grow. Always need to have a revolving door of ladies! So here we are a few days later,the girls are looking fine but,I am always open for suggestions. Here are a picture of the girls on 7-26-11 And the first 4 pictures here are, New York Power Diesel (NYPD) and...
  8. fatalack

    Time to Start Again

    Whoa sorry its been a while. I have been lagging around like a true pot head:leaf::leaf: It took a lot longer to deal with the current grow I had going on my flower side, needless to say I am all done It is still curing.I also made some hash with all the clippings check out the picts!!! Well...
  9. fatalack

    Can you use Stretching to your ADVANTAGE with LST?

    I have tryed to LST a plant with week node spacing the buds got to heavy and started to droop I had to use a lot of bamboo splints. I like to supercrop (pinching) between node sites it made for a really lumped up stocky plant in a good way. But to each his own :eyesmoke::eyesmoke:
  10. fatalack

    Is This A Problem?

    Man thats where I live to. Don't sweat the small stuff as long as there are no bugs on the top or underside of the leaf it should be ok. And you should always check your'e water to see if it is to acidic.:mrgreen::mrgreen:
  11. fatalack

    Seed leaves

    Hey man don't worry about those leaves they usually don't make it to far any ways:mrgreen::mrgreen:
  12. fatalack

    Anybody able to tell what type of weed at all? Sativa/Indica?

    It looks like a sativa of some sort. Usually the skinnier the leaves are ,is a hint to it being a sativa And man how high are you're temps plants look a little stressed.
  13. fatalack

    Is This A Problem?

    Are you growing outside? This happened to me years ago but it also gets 100 degrees plus out here.
  14. fatalack

    Seed leaves

    are you talking about the first two that sprout (the solid shape ones)
  15. fatalack

    Neem Oil?????

    Hey man I use neem oil from time to time you just need to bite down and grind your'e teeth that shit stinks.The smell is unbearable.Work great for me tho.Hey man I can tell you after a while it is a good idea to rinse the neem oil off your'e leaves.I had a problem with it blocking pores on my...
  16. fatalack

    LED Without LEDs -My First T5 Grow

    WOW I currently grow with LED's And cfl's But like I said wow, I like the complete break down of your'e knowledge especially the external link to the oxford journals.Cant say more I would love to try this.:clap::clap::clap:
  17. fatalack

    DR. aMbRa TrYcoMbs***** SuMmEr BUD baKE*******2011*****12/12 gRowiN'

    Nice I have beeen checking out those air pots ,always wanted to see first hand how they work. Defiantly subscribed:clap:
  18. fatalack

    Time to Start Again

    Hey anybody got any advice anything just want to know if anybody thinks i need to try something different. All comments are welcome negative or positive :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:
  19. fatalack

    The post about creating Fem seeds totally blew my mind!! I could not belive it is just that...

    The post about creating Fem seeds totally blew my mind!! I could not belive it is just that easy. BY far one of the most informative things i read on this site. Thanks G.O.D.
  20. fatalack

    help pics im not sure on what this is indica or sativa?

    How long have you had that thing in that cup .You probably need to transplant that thing she looks sad mann:sad: